Canberrans Sips Again
Hey Max, just googled the word 'scagg'.... that's a nasty nasty word.... It has now replaced the word 'smeg' in my vocabulary and it is my new years resolution is to use it whenever I see a zx14 riderAction-smiley-083
yes...I noticed that too...geez...never thought you guys couldn't appreciate another bike. I mean shit...yeah its kinda the busa's rival...but we mostly love all bikes right? get over it...bloody bunch of sooks.....i'll have to get out the kleenex soon! smile FFS!!!
copperjosh Wrote:yes...I noticed that too...geez...never thought you guys couldn't appreciate another bike. I mean shit...yeah its kinda the busa's rival...but we mostly love all bikes right? get over it...bloody bunch of sooks.....i'll have to get out the kleenex soon! smile FFS!!!

Hey youngsters, talk about tissue issue - it's a line straight out of Mad Max - You guys were probably still in the womb when they were first spoken on the screen! It means - bullshit stops when I find you on the road Kwacka Wacka boy. Nothing can save you, not even a kwack that's supposed to be quicker than the old copper you were hopeless on, haven't you worked that out yet??? -FFS Lol2RollLol2

Max - this is a "nice" thread you know. No animosity intended or suggested.

As the man said "See you on the road scagg!"
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Look man, never thought I would feel offended, but seriously, you guys need to lay off, especially personal attacks.

"bullshit stops when I find you on the road Kwacka Wacka boy. Nothing can save you"

Now what the f*** is that supposed to mean man. Like I can take a joke, but i'm not sure what your implying here and I am offended.

I think its f*&^ing childish for a bunch of grown men to act like such clowns over bike rivalry. I still hang around this club, cos I still love the busa & enjoy the club's people....but now i'm serious...this shit is just childish & I really don't appreciate being treated like shit because I decided I'd try a new bike......

Hope you can all pull your heads out of your arses & see that i'm simply trying to enjoy the 'friendly' club I used to feel a part of.

Madmax Wrote:
copperjosh Wrote:yes...I noticed that too...geez...never thought you guys couldn't appreciate another bike. I mean shit...yeah its kinda the busa's rival...but we mostly love all bikes right? get over it...bloody bunch of sooks.....i'll have to get out the kleenex soon! smile FFS!!!

Hey youngsters, talk about tissue issue - it's a line straight out of Mad Max - You guys were probably still in the womb when they were first spoken on the screen! It means - bullshit stops when I find you on the road Kwacka Wacka boy. Nothing can save you, not even a kwack that's supposed to be quicker than the old copper you were hopeless on, haven't you worked that out yet??? -FFS Lol2RollLol2

Max - this is a "nice" thread you know. No animosity intended or suggested.

As the man said "See you on the road scagg!"
Just on a side note, if you guys are just messing around, please tell me...I do occasionally jump to conclusions and take people seriously when they are joking???????
copperjosh Wrote:Just on a side note, if you guys are just messing around, please tell me...I do occasionally jump to conclusions and take people seriously when they are joking???????

You are jumping to conclusions and taking people too seriously.
yer....thought so...thats the problem with the internet, you can't hear what tone someone is actually saying something in. For some strange reason I thought you guys were seriously having a go at me...? oh well

Not to worry!
on the subject of tones whats the deal with the handgun? It seems very threatening and would seem to indicate you have extremely violent tendancies........... or it could be that you are compensating for being a ZX14 scagg.......... just a thought 2fast4u
well i'm a boxer so I enjoy fighting but in a 'sport' manner. Certainly not into weapons and

You haven't even met me man, I certainly don't think i'm a violent person. Reserve your judgements till you do.
Max, I was out at CMCC at the weekend and I was talking to Wayne about a ZX12 that a guy spent a bunch of dosh to make quicker and a dyno showed no gain!! (go figure).... anyway enough of the boring shit....he asked if I knew the guy with the black busa with spikes on the fairing, so I quickly guessed it was you. He said that he dynoed your bike after you had a bigger cam and other trick bits installed, he said that the torque from your bike was absolutely "Mental".... he had never seen anything like it!! A bit like the rider I saidCoolsmiley

I'm hearing you Marky Mark. That would be Dave, a close mate from a very long time ago, we joined the cops together back in the very early '80s. he and I have been spreading the bullshit pretty thickly around the Canberra Riders Club regarding the quickness and slownesses (?) of our respective rides. He reckons a stock ZX14 would eat a stock '08 Busa. So I published the dyno readings that showed just how outclassed the '08 Kwacker really is. He went even further to suggest that ZX12s were more powerful than stock Busa's. Needless to say we spoke pretty informedly (sp?) about the virtues of our own marques with him throwing an invite to "have a run" on the Dyno. He's just putting cams, pipe etc on his really nicely done out ZX12. I'd rather run him in the real world where his lack of aerodynamics will cruel him.

Time will tell.

Hey Josh - you're among friends you dick, we'll take the piss out of you endlessly because of your choice of weapon, not because we don't like you. Look at all the laughing smilies. Pull your own head out of you big fat bum and laugh with us bloke. If we didn't care, we wouldn't say anything and just ignore you. This is a piss taking exercise. You have now been owned by a couple of Busa riders RollRollRoll

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Max, are you and Heidi up for the toy run on Saturday? Need you to see the 'new' bike and tell what you thinkCoolsmiley
Yawn, stretch , yawn.

I have decided that maybe we should get this board dyno-ed. I reckon it's got more torque than anything you guys have got.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Lol Busdriver...that was great...very clever wording!

Yer sorry guys, I just took the tone of the jokes incorrectly.
Not to worry!

I'll still whoop your butts. FYI max, when you blew past me on the busa that night when I had the FZR1000, I had already rolled off the throttle and was just pottering along, it still went very hard for its age....but the busa would obviously still take it.

The thats a different story. She's run in pretty well now but man...To give contrast, when I had the copper I did a roll on with my mates heavily modded gixxer 1000 & we were neck & neck up to just under 200 then I started getting an edge.

On the is absolutely no contest! as soon as we hit it I jump 4-5 bike lengths ahead then I put 10 bike lengths or more on him easily.

btw, I thought the zx12 was shithouse...still do...but the 14...she is a different beast.

Can't wait to do some drags with you guys. And compared to when I rode the copper, I'm 1000x better on the bike. Done the rider mod.

Man, didn't even get to whoop your butts on the was a canyon carver that thing.

Oh well, we will see what happens. Should open your eyes a bit with the zx14 :-)
saracen Wrote:Max, are you and Heidi up for the toy run on Saturday? Need you to see the 'new' bike and tell what you think

Starting my night shift Saturday mate. probably wont be there his year.

Anyone doing tomorrow night at Zeffs?


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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