The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Rubbish, cry baby :P
bah - I need a good women to come take care of me! LOL

where is one when ya need one ay?? :p
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
With the good fellas
mmm, - bugger - too true tho.. as the saying goes "Good girls go to heaven.... Bad girls go everywhere..." Very Happy
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
FatmanJindy Loop
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Oh shit, what happened to the weekend?
tell me about it, way too quick.
2CUTE4U Wrote:tell me about it, way too quick.
Frown agree - thought I had another day to go! :) Trophy
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
i wish there was another day to go...
RaZ Wrote:bah - I need a good women to come take care of me! LOL

where is one when ya need one ay?? :p

There ALL for the tip mate.
Id tell you a certain saying but it might send
the women on the board abit troppo,il
sms it to ya raz Ghastly
0h an may all sluts,cheaters and midget cheerleaders burn
in the deepest pitts of hell.
NEMESIS Wrote:0h an may all sluts,cheaters and midget cheerleaders burn
in the deepest pitts of hell.

Told you before D/H you really shouldn't talk about your mother like that, just because you have been burnt by a few, sluts leave your family out of it. Ghastly

never fly higher than your angel.
Off to the gym for another jolly good rogering Boobies4
never fly higher than your angel.
Go Mutha ! =0)

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