slowandsteady Wrote:No pity for the squids or the other oxygen wasters that think every road is a race track.
Feel for those who have genuine accidents - oil/obstructions on the road, the momentary lapse........ after all we've all overcooked a corner and it's a part of the learning experience that comes with age and maturity (and survival instinct) that teaches us to ride within our limits and allow for the unexpected.
This squiding thing worries me though. I really believe that helmets only as a mandatory minimum is a joke. If you can afford a bike, you should be able to afford CE approved jackets, pants and boots at least and only the morons in the riding community would be against legislating this sort of policy.
It seems the stunters are the ones leading this squiding stupidity. Almost every vid posted on the web (as well as articles in bike mags) show these guys doing their thing in t-shirts and shorts (must be the "I'm tough and have no fear" thing)
You would think that the bike mags would, at least, try to impose some restrictions on the content by telling these guys "sure we'll promote stunting but only if your going to suit up".
(I think I might write a letter to the MRA on this one)
I agree with mandatory riding protection,a few european countrys have enforced that law years ago,you also have to keep in mind that they also have better/faster roads.What is imperative is that the
POLICE first and foremost should
LEAD BY EXAMPLE.On several occasions when pulled over or otherwise I have seen these officers with just a shirt and their bubble gum pants, where is the protection????where is the body armour????? Im preety sure thay have equipment at their disposal.To top it all off they carry a fire arm in a
non protective impact case.God forbid if the officer comes off and takes a good tumble/scrape,it has been proven overseas that there is a possibility that his 40cal Glock which has no safety(trigger activated) could actually discharge(proven in the U.S,Germany,Austraia).The odesity of it all is that we where/are being fined on a few sorry arse regulations like the 45degree angle on your rear fender or that your Yoshi is too loud(like we dont need other dickheads to hear us coming) when the real issue is that
rider education is limited,the Q ride courses are a joke and the roads are a disater.I am one of the first to admit that I do tend to twist the throttle hard on occasions but I do back off when im in a new riding enviorment or riding with less experienced individuals.Riding is a lifstyle and if youre abusing it than the consequences are possibly death and if you are lucky you will get away with serious injury.I have seen some riders going nuts on roads that are of third world conditions but do you think they get it???????naaah not this time,maybe after a kilo of their skin is left on the tarmac,hopefully than it will be consumed(maybe!!!!!).My father once told me that any uneducated rider should paint their bikes white and write across the whole dam thing
MOBILE ORGAN DONOR at least like that he can let us know that his riding ability is as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.Ride safely