A timely reminder
This was posted today by a biker chic who works at Road Warriers cafe on the Old Pacific Hwy on the NSW central coast.

"Last Sunday at the cafe a group of guys showed up and hung around for a while and one of them left for a ride on his freinds bike. It was a gixxer k7.

He never returned because two corners from the cafe he failed to take a corner and rode straight into a tree with not much indication of any kind of breaking until the last minute.

He died at the scene and the bike was destroyed. R.I.P Little rider buddy.

Today a guy came riding into the cafe VERy wobbly and before he had a chance to stop he basically fell off his bike and crashed to the floor.

He had just had an accident up the road and hurt himself, although not requiring hospitilisation, the ambos were called due to his state of shock, which is why he fell off the bike when he rode in, he had come back to the cafe cause he needed help.

He did not seem to be wearing gear. Oh yes, he had a very expensive pair of boots on and what looked like proper riding pants. But seemed to be wearing a Tshirt and nothing else up top.

He got some of the nastiest burn/gravel rash on his arms I have ever seen! He was also in a very bad way due to the shock and although he recovered nicely in time it was very scary at first cause we didnt know how hurt he was or what exactly was wrong.

On Friday two guys left the cafe riding their bikes.......... they came back on one bike after one of them crashed and had to be pillioned back to the cafe. He wouldnt ask for help.

i think it is because he had shorts a T shirt and moccasins or something on......

I am posting this because every year when summer comes, more of us are out there and more people are being stupid cause its too hot, or they want to be valentino rossi or the best stunter in the world.

For anyone that doesnt know why the Old Road is a 60kmh speed limit, that was brought in when 5 people died in 5 weekends in a row......the residents, the police and most of the bikers had had enough and that is what happens.......

Working at the cafe, we get to deal with a lot of these accidents and I dont really want to!

So people, I dont want to clean any of you up off the road....... wear your gear and don't ride like a retard. We dont want to add you to our wall of fallen riders. "


On tonight's news - a 20 year old biker was killed when he attempted to overtake a car that was turning off the highway into a driveway.
The young passenger in the car was also killed in his own driveway.

Some of us live and learn - some don't.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Motorcycle crash data

Of the 337 people killed on Victoria's roads in 2006, 47 were riders of motorcycles. This represents 14% of the road toll and yet only 3% of vehicles registered in Victoria are motorcycles, with only 7% of Victorians holding a licence to ride a motorcycle.

In 2006, 47 motorcyclists were killed. 891 were seriously injured on Victoria's roads in 2005.

Of the 47 motorcyclists killed in 2006:

* 94% were male,
* 43% were involved in single vehicle crashes and 19% were involved in crashes with another vehicle at an intersection and 15% were involved in head-on crashes,
* 47% occurred in rural Victoria,
* 60% were involved in crashes between the hours of 10am and 6pm, and
* 47% of deaths occurred on roads sign posted at 100km/h or more.

43% (nearly half) were single vehicle accidents........
I dont ride the Old road because of these RETARDs , it sux to see any rider down, but there is a Minority who just ask for trouble. The gang at warriors are good people and it sux that they have to deal with it . mind you the majority of trouble makers, bikes ARE from there and encoureged to stunt it up
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Those kewl clowns NEVER learn because after being on a bike for 5 minutes they already know everything, the most skilled, the most killedUndecided

Nobody should ever get gravel rash from an off, but looking cool takes precedence over good sense............I'm not losing any sleep over those fuggen dickheads........ deserve all they get.............only problem with that is they bring unwanted heat on the rest of us Knuppel2
Never ride the A model of anything.
Better to have a hole in your leathers, than have a hole in your bum. Wtf
never fly higher than your angel.
I think riders caught wearing shorts and thongs/slippers should be fined........just like the no seatbelt rule for drivers. They will never get a nod hello from me when they pass. Icon_box_
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
Quote:Better to have a hole in your leathers, than have a hole in your bum.

aaah..... never mind.
Mutha Wrote:Better to have a hole in your leathers, than have a hole in your bum. Wtf

Something you neglected to share with us Mutha??Undecided

Sounds like a movie title.... "Your Mutha was an alien".

But, on a more serious note : I have spent a lot of time at Road Warriors over the years and have been called out to scrape people off the road many times... or seen them wobble in with bits hanging off.... or worse. Sometimes (but rarely) it is the experienced guys - the ones we know - who go just that bit hot and mess it up. But its not often and thankfully, they are usually fully suited and survive to tell the tale. Yes, we do hoot for stunters - but only the professional ones (there are a few well known pro stunters up there) but the idiots don't get encouragement. The squids (thongs, t-shirt and shorts brigade) are left in no doubt how stupid the rest of us think they are. Often because we tell them. I was there once when an idiot father rolled in with his 8 y.o on the back dressed in a track suit and gum boots. He copped it so bad he called his wife to come pick the kid up.

I think Rev once summed it up nicely.... "Natural selection".
...............when I realise just how senstive Rev has become with the passing of time.

And others.

It's a pity it's that bit too late to nominate for PM, this time.

I'd have to vote for that level of understanding.

Maxine is only a diversion.
As Clint Eastwood once said "a mans' gotta know his limitations"
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Most of the accidents Ive seen are result of trying to be ghost riders, taking over in corners and doing 120+ in twisty roads, regardless of how much experience you have there will be times that you misjudge a corner and give it too much and before you know it its too late to get back on your lane. I been riding since 16 Im not that old Im only 24 but never been on any accident I reckon its mostly because I just go with the speed limit and enjoy a nice relax ride. At the end of the day not only you get yourself killed you could wreck others as well.
No pity for the squids or the other oxygen wasters that think every road is a race track.
Feel for those who have genuine accidents - oil/obstructions on the road, the momentary lapse........ after all we've all overcooked a corner and it's a part of the learning experience that comes with age and maturity (and survival instinct) that teaches us to ride within our limits and allow for the unexpected.

This squiding thing worries me though. I really believe that helmets only as a mandatory minimum is a joke. If you can afford a bike, you should be able to afford CE approved jackets, pants and boots at least and only the morons in the riding community would be against legislating this sort of policy.

It seems the stunters are the ones leading this squiding stupidity. Almost every vid posted on the web (as well as articles in bike mags) show these guys doing their thing in t-shirts and shorts (must be the "I'm tough and have no fear" thing)
You would think that the bike mags would, at least, try to impose some restrictions on the content by telling these guys "sure we'll promote stunting but only if your going to suit up".

(I think I might write a letter to the MRA on this one)
I must confess to being one of those riders who had not gone down recently and in really hot weather would wear, boots, jeans, summer gloves and a T shirt.

When I high sided off the Black and Silver after hitting diesel on a slow, "turn left at any time with care" corner in town in 2002 I had been going to not wear the leather jacket as it was a stinker outside, but changed my mind and wore it- lucky choice. Good way to get taught a lesson. Still smashed my shoulder up, but avoided a lot of complications by having a thick jacket on. That jacket didn't have armour, my new one does.

We all see the idiots wearing thongs, they get what they deserve.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
There's and Australian Standard which provides guidelines for the manufacture of motorcycle safety clothing but the standard isn't mandatory.
I guess, until they have a mandatory standard, state governments can't pass laws enforcing their use.

I have some interesting documents on research about the benefits of wearing safety gear. anyone who wants to have a read, pm me and I'll email it on....
I rode with Netrider for a little while which mainly has L/P platers. I found their culture was to try and ride hard around corners even though most are very inexperienced riders. Travelling through NSW and Vic this seems to be the case with this club. I heard of many stories from members of their own previous accidents, being injured and with screws and/or rods inserted in their injuries.

Even though complete idiots are rare, this club seems to be full of them but there a couple of nice people in there. In the first 1-2 weeks on being there I went for a group Thursday night ride in which one of the administrators came along to 2 of these rides. The second ride, riding over the westgate bridge which is high and windy which learners have problems riding because of the wind blowing their little bikes around. The administrator comes barrelling up the bridge over taking his members rides past a female learner at about 50kmh faster than her and slaps her on the arse then rides past another member and tries to slap him on the back of the helmet again at 50kmh faster than this guys travelling. Second incident; On the first ride the week previous, when we got to the Boulevard in Kew this administrators taking these corners rediculously and I said to myself that this guy is going to wipe out on a corner soon one day. About 10 days later during a Tassy ride he takes a corner he has never taken at to higher speed and wipes out breaking a shoulder and in addition needing shoulder cuff surgery if I recall the injuries correctly. A COMPLETE IDIOT! Also he uses the site to get back at and insult his club members he has a grudge with inwhich many members leave in protest for themselves or others...how stupid is that? Netrider has to have the highest road crash incidents for a club that I ever have come across...take a look at their forums. Many other forums note the riders and the administrators inadequatecies.

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