Rudds in Howard out.
hgazbus Wrote:
Louwai Wrote:Can I put my bit in.........
I'm a trady. Over the years I've been a member of the BLF, AMWU, CFMEU.
I was ripped off by the BLF. I was owed unpaid BUSS & BERT payments from an employer. They investigated & I got nothing. I investigated myself & found that the BLF organizer was a mate of my old boss. Guess what, my issue disappeared.

The AMWU were pretty weak & just took money. Didn't really do much for the members.

The CFMEU were too wrapped up in trying to bring down businesses.

As a trady I worked my up to supervision & mgmt level. 4yrs ago I was the site mgr on a multi-level apartment building in Brisbane. The local BLF organiser came to the site & literally stood in my face screaming at me calling me low life scum & telling me that he was actually the one who would dictate to the mgmt of the site. This guy had absolutely no respect for anyone. During the project, even his own site delegate would go around & appologise to everyone for the organisers actions while on site. In the end even his own members told him not to come back. This organiser is still an active organiser for the BLF in Qld.

That's just a couple of issues among many that I have personally been involved with in the past.

These are the type of old school bullies & stand-over people that need to be removed. The unions need to move with the times. All employers I've worked for a more than happy to pay all required entitlements. I've actually found that it's the attitude of the union organiser towards the company that often clouds the willingness of the employer to do the "right" thing.

So, getting back to the political thing. If labor are going to bring that type of action back in a bigger, stronger way, then I really think we are in trouble.

Gees and all that happen with Howard in power now we are really in trouble.

I'm afraid your wrong there.
Was only the last one a few years ago. all the rest & many more were when Labor was in power.
Rev Wrote:G'day Astro..where you been Confused

Just working Rev... just working. Although, I do get a month off from December 21 to January 21. Woo Hoo !

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