some added bits
GlenTC came down for a special visit today and very kindly hung around to help me out with my latest additions from the Thunder Composites inventory....
New Undertail and Hugger are now on (Will get some good pics tomorrow)
New CF Inners - These are AWESOME and should be on everyones' shopping list
New HID's on - How a headlight should look..

The Powerbronze undertail is truly a fantastic piece of kit. Absolutely 100% great fit, with no trimming or f*cking around required.
Once again , MASSIVE THANKS to Glen for his help. Some pics below....
[Image: 00031.jpg]
[Image: 00030.jpg]
[Image: 00029.jpg]
[Image: 00028.jpg]
Thanks for showing me a great day Cam. The fam and I had a good time but I think I may have enjoyed it a little more. lol. The Busa looks great, pics don't do her justice. Clap

We did stop off and see the Simpsons movie on the way home. Scott and I enjoyed it. Zoey was asleep before the previews were over. Lol3
Our turn to visit next time.
I'll just get the shopping list started.............
Michelle does the same thing as Zoey, which means i get to choose the movies as she's asleep for most of them. lol
I have been think about going up to Wodonga and annoying Bandit next weekend if you are up for road trip? Of course, I haven't told Rob that yet. lol.
I've got a maintenance shutdown job booked for Sat/Sun, so I'll have to take a raincheck, but will be up for the next one......
Oh yeah, its Fathers Day. Yikes, forgot about that. again. I better not piss off up the road. I'll come home to an abandoned fathers day. I doubt the family would find that quite as funny as I would.

You're on for another day. There is this and that going on all the time.
GlenTC Wrote:I have been think about going up to Wodonga and annoying Bandit next weekend if you are up for road trip? Of course, I haven't told Rob that yet. lol.

Busted big fella Ghastly
any time mate i have next Thurs,friday off (as i am building a new shed for the Busa)
hopefully my new reverse glo gauges and alarm will be here by then as well ...and maybe some copper decals
Nice pics, Glen how about you organising a day for a VIC gettogether, call it a spannering session if you like. Ppl can then see all the accessories first hand and may generate some interest for you. Now I realise some of the meets may have been family days with kids and I dont want to ruin any of those, but just an idea for you. Id show up just to check out everyones bike and an excuse to meet up.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Volvi Wrote:Nice pics, Glen how about you organising a day for a VIC gettogether, call it a spannering session if you like. Ppl can then see all the accessories first hand and may generate some interest for you. Now I realise some of the meets may have been family days with kids and I dont want to ruin any of those, but just an idea for you. Id show up just to check out everyones bike and an excuse to meet up.

I'd be in that.......
I'll be in that.
We could do that when we do your integrator. Thats a weird little bit thats worth seeing installed. Might do a decal set at the same time. Everyone is welcome at my place if it suits. I will take you for a fast lap and a refreshing lemonade too. Maybe even a visit to the Tank museum. That sounds like a good day too me.
count me in.
Not next weekend - work
Weekend after - Michelle's birthday (wouldbe hung, drawn and quartered if I went out to play on that weekend)
let's have a poll! lol
Cool. I think a month from now or something. That would give me time to assemble any little things that come up between now and then. It should be top weather about then too.

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