Fund raising attempted help.
For the record, I will post here petes response to my genuine attempt to assist with raising of funds, for the fallen riders busa rebuild. Anonymous pledges do not seem acceptable to those parties, and here I thought all help was desired, but not the case it seems. After posting my Poll/Pledges, I received the following emails;

"I think it may be courteous of you Volvi to contact me with regards to your post on your board re busa fund. I take it you have started a seperate fund in regards this. IS THIS CORRECT ?? Peter"

"If this has nothing to do with my project, what and who has given you the right to collect monies for a project that has nothing to do with you. Please explain rather urgently Volvi as due to the amount of money involved, you leave me little option but to seek legal advice regards this first thing in the morning. I find it highly unethical for you to collect money for a project to which you are not affiliated. Request immediate answer on this as I shall post a public notice regards this within the hour. Peter"

"Still awaiting your reply Volvi?
As I stated we are talking large sums of money here so if you plan on collecting under the guis of my project on behalf of Lucas, I demand to know where this money shall be directed to. Peter"

and the original post oh his board;
188 Hp
(4/10/01 1:21:00 am)
You have been banned
in this ezboard Helping Hand Project..............Clarification !
Have noticed that Volvi has apparently started an appeal on the other board and is collecting money..... for whatever reason I am not sure of at this time !!!!
I have nor do I know anything about this project he is collecting for?? Today I purchased close to $4000.00 dollars worth of parts to repair and complete our current project. Respectfully I would therefore ask that all donations be sent directly to myself or through Gazza's page as would like to be certian that all pledges serve the purpose for which they were intended. Also would rather that donations are not anonomous,due to the fact that no record of amounts recieved can be verified and confirmed if they are anonomous !
I certianly have no wish for this to become a political puppet.......... a FRIEND and FELLOW RIDER was injured and his bike extensively damaged. I was in a position to help him out in a time that he needed a hand......nothing more or nothing less was the motivation for this project to be undertaken.
Due to the hard work, goodwill, and generosity of all concerned I will not allow this to be turned into a circus. For any who have pledged money and wish to withdraw there pledge or parts please advise me, as I would rather foot the total bill myself than allow anyone to play political football with this cause, I thank you once again for all your help and trust that the good side to human nature that I have witnessed this past week shall continue, and allow the completion of this project. Thanking you Boss
Riding...Not Talking About it !

All way too much shit!, oh for the record, I had asked Richard to receive any monies from this method and for him to post the address details, and for the record I am withdrawing any pledges of funds that I made to this project.

deleting the pledge poll, as any anonymous donations are not accepted by the parties concerned.

appeared as;

Australian Club Member
(4/9/01 11:31:54 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del All Build-A-Busa Club Contributions (Anonymously)
Perhaps not all wish to compete for any prizes, so those that wish to make anonymous contributions for this worth while appeal, please pledge your contribution by voting that amount. Details of where to send pledges will be posted here shortly.

I trust that all will respect this board and the cause by not misusing this pledging system.

For those that wish to contribute larger amounts or not anonomously and be in the running for any prizes, please post your pledge in a 'reply post' with details.

Results (total votes = 3):
$10 2 / 66.7%

$20 1 / 33.3%

$30 0 / 0.0%

$50 0 / 0.0%

$100 0 / 0.0%

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