Question for Peter Shields
Perhaps Col, you could pass this on.

Is the Mobil "8000" in the same league as Optimax, or is it pretty much the same as run-of-the-mill premium unleaded?
Demeester i have had a few other people i know try the mobil and they say it is great,but have also heard that it could gobble up spark plugs i havent tried it for myself.I'll stick to optimax i think. Bad luck i didnt see you the other day i think i might have been at the wrong cafe. its cool i ran into three other busa guys and went for a spin with them in anycase.All worked out well. BBB
Cafe Racer in StKilda?

The advice we received was that PULP in general was actually worse for your engine that ULP (due to the chemicals used to boost the octane). PULP would still eliminate any pinging and give the power boost the higher octane should, but only Optimax gave the octane boost with engine-friendly chemicals. In fact, the advice was that if Optimax was not available, use ULP and don't over-rev the engine (or use an Octane Booster) rather than using anothe PULP. This advice is a little dated, and I am hoping that the 8000 is an alternative to Optimax.

I'll ask Peter and we'll see what he has to say. However the answer is obvious if yo think about it.............................................

Regards Col
Richard I think it's not a question of over revving the engine but more don't labor the engine that's when pinging occurs fuel octane too low will cause it would this be correct Col
Any word back from Peter Shields?
G'day Richard,

Have left a message for Peter and I think he will be in late this week.

Will post ASAP.

Regards Col

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