scorpio anti hyjack unit
ok I too hooked it up to the fuel pump and everything works just as it should including the tests.

As murphys law would have it I rested the 2 connectors ontop of the air filter box and whilst doing one the other rolled off into the blue yonder of the bike Grrrrr. So had to hook one of the wires the old mamas way till I get a connector. redruff if you can spare one of yours or anyone else not using one Id appreciate it. I could send some club stickers for any1 not getting it yet at same time. Just PM me. DJ gave me a few to hand out.

and so ends the Scorpio saga I guess.
Is a relay of sorts RUFF, but may not handle the load draw of the fuel pump, hence a relay to save it shitting itself and leaving you powerless in a not so good situation at some time
Volvi - pm your mailing address and I'll put some in tomorrow.
I was working away last night and on a break went for a bit of a wander. I was looking the Busa over, like you do, when I preesed that little tell tale thing on the ATRE. 210!. I had only been riding in 60 zones and consider myself quite the conformist. So, science experiment in hand, I decided to ride home in the usual way, this arvo. It was a cold and wet 60 zone all the way and being mega cautious as usual. Pressed it again on arrival. 155! I don't know where that happened but it clearly did. I feel cool and bad arse for a change. Baaad, bad to the bone, lol. I told the wife because I was really suprised, I recommend others keep that shit to themselves. Edited by: glen66 at: 23/7/06 7:05 pm
hang on the ATRE doesnt have that recall, the speedohealer ext. does, just hide that little button somewhere or somewhere not to visible, all ya need is a cop who knows that button to press it and say oh yea 102 in a 100 zone hey? the button says more like 240, nah officer thats just the brag button.......DOH
Speedohealer thingy then. bloody picky, lol. It is really small and it is routed to inside the screen near the left mirror. Can't see it if you don't know it's there. the cop thing would explain why it resets everytime.
Volvi - sent those connectors this morning - they are RED!

You better ramset your belt to the tank mate to handle the extra oomph that a little red brings

It may be worth carrying a spare relay in your bag of tricks as a precautionary measure - as am I - because you never know.

I have had to turn my perimeter adjustment right down as it's just too sensitive when I walk past it at 3am on my way to work - at least the neighbourhood knows that it's not to be touched

Cheers Ruffy
Thx muchly Ruffy, received this morning 1 red connector, I say 1 coz the envelop was opened a bit on bottom almost losing the one in it, hope there wasnt a second one there.

Thx again mate.

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