Cheesecake strikes again!
Ok,i thought the front sprocket was getting a bit noisy so i decided to put a new one on.What i thought was going to be a 1/2hour job ended up taking me about 3hrs.:"> I took the fairng off and then the sprocket cover,no probs there.
But that bolt that holds the speedo sensor on definatly was.First i tried to undo it with the allen key,mmmm wont budge,then the allen key with a bit of pipe on it and what happens next,you guessed it the f*&^ing bolt rounded off inside. So it was out with the locking grips and guess what?It f*&^ing broke them too!:"> Next up was the hammer and cold chisel,after much swearing and cursing the thing finally released.What do they do these things up with,a f*&^ing 200ft/lb torque wrench?In the process i managed to break the speedo sensor thing too:">
I rang suzuki and asked them if they had any in stock and the guy says,"yeah we got plenty"Gee i wonder why?What a poxy design/setup,so Phil here is another tale for the cheesecake files:"> Geeze im happy workin on this thing......NOT! <i></i>
If you reckon that bolt's hard to budge Rocket, try the disc retaining bolts sometime, cripes they're tight, right GDY !!

Lets face it, these bikes are assembled by blokes with company lawyers leaning over their shoulders <i></i>
You said it Rev. If we could have removed those bloody disc retaining bolts they would have been nickel plated by now!!!:">
But with nickel prices on the stock exchange at a 14 year high, maybe I couldn't afford it? Should we hang onto the nickel plated cheesecake or sell now???
Cheers, Phil. I luvs cheesecake... <i></i>
Yes i know what you mean about the disc bolts had to undo mine when i got the wheels painted!:"> <i></i>
Are held on with loc-tite. Just heat them up and they come off really easily.

I have two rear wheels with different brand tyres on them, but only one disc ($350 for a secondhand one ). I change the disc over all the time with loc-tite (occasionally). Doddle. <i></i>
I had the same prob :- i found by getting a centre punch in the head of the bolt and giving it a hit with the hammer not to hard , made it come out before that i had no chance .To late now but next time give that a go.(*_*) <i></i>
Guys , think about purchasing a set of 1/2" square drive allen keys. Around the $50 for a decent set of JBS from Blackwoods

You wont have any probs <i></i>
I have Gazza,thats what rounded out the head,when placed on the impact gun. <i></i>
Impact Gun--

Air operated or hit the head with a hammer job??

Did you manage to fully engage the Allen key in the socket ? <i></i>
Was an air impact jobbie.The socket was in properly,its just as i said,the thing was so f*&^ing tight that something had to give and unfortunately it was the head of the bolt! <i></i>

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