Questions - New Owner

So the bike has done 750kms and nearly due for it's first service!

I am happy to go back to the dealer for the first one. I have a couple of questions the

First - is when the bike is cold and warming up before a ride there is a rattle from the engine LHS. Goes away about 3 minutes after you start riding.

Is this something that people have experienced? Sounds like a noisy lifter or chain tensioner maybe???

Second - the RHR indicator lens gets a fair bit of condensation in it. All the others are good.

Third - Is the Hayabusa seriously the best bike ever! I am loving this thing. It has so much torque! I am still learning to ride it and I guess I always will but it's just an amazing motorcycle.

Everyone that pulls up at the lights next to me seems to always want a drag race :) Including the poor bugga on the blackbird on Sunday who stalled it whilst doing a big launch :)

Apart from the crap above I just wanted to say thanks for a great forum. It has helped heaps.

Welcome Im glad your having fun with your new beast First Are they the best Bike Ever of cause they are Very Happy I have been riding Busas for close to 15 years and cant see that changing Soon .
As for your problems Yes the busa motor does rattle sometimes on start up But as your still under warranty get it checked out same as your rear indicator Have that replaced its your bike you paid for a new bike so that is what you should have So don't let the dealer say No. Demand Action Knuppel2
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
You'll enjoy it more and more as it loosens up. Re your comment:

Third - Is the Hayabusa seriously the best bike ever! I am loving this thing. It has so much torque! I am still learning to ride it and I guess I always will but it's just an amazing motorcycle.

It's a big pussycat that also bites. Make sure you look ahead and through the bends, if you let the bike get ahead of you, then you had better watch out!
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
The bikes do seem a bit clunky as they run in... I found a lot of the noises disappeared but 900-1200 k
Mine seems smooth as now and I got all the throttle available lol made an R1 rider reconsider his statements of superiority when I launched up a steep hill and left him behind
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
(13-10-2014, 08:58pm)Batfink Wrote: The bikes do seem a bit clunky as they run in... I found a lot of the noises disappeared but 900-1200 k
Mine seems smooth as now and I got all the throttle available lol made an R1 rider reconsider his statements of superiority when I launched up a steep hill and left him behind

Agree, I'm on my second Gen 2, bought both of them new and they were both the same. The noises are merely the mechanical equivalent of growing pains.

I had a Dodge Viper pull over recently to let me go on the open road, all I had to do was sit behind him for about 15 seconds so he could see me in his mirror.

Which was a bit of a shame, would have been nice if he'd put the foot down so I could hear the noise from the V10 before I passed him.

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