WRT Log Box Pro
Wired up a WRT Log Box Pro and Zeitronix Wide Band Controller to a K8 drag bike today. Then took it for a quick run along a section of road nearby to see how it works. Very impressed. Next step is to hook up some sensors to the analogue inputs and suss out the Bluetooth connectivity to see if I can replace the K8 dash with a mini iPad!

[Image: LogBoxPro1_zps0988cb16.jpg]

[Image: LogBoxPro2_zps7887faf3.jpg]

Sweet! Would the ipad provide control or just Display?

Camel did you managed to solve the blutooth connection? Seems to have a lot of problems. I have tried all the available ports but can not establish a connection with it. How did you go?
BTW did you get my last PM message?

"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
Nah, no Bluetooth yet. I'm up North at the moment, will try very soon. Also, pm sent. Going to pretty busy next break doing a Busa engine rebuild.
(09-06-2014, 01:33pm)Camel Wrote: Nah, no Bluetooth yet. I'm up North at the moment, will try very soon. Also, pm sent. Going to pretty busy next break doing a Busa engine rebuild.

A good time to work on a bike while its pissing down outside. I got a ride day this Saturday to get some log files and a round of club races in a fortnight. After that the head comes off for a bit of porting work the and camshafts with a bit more lift.
Sent you the link to SDS software. Let me know how you go with it.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"

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