Importin a busa from greece -$$$$$
A mate at work has a mate
That has moved to australia from greece
This lad wants to import his
07 hayabusa love machine to melbourne,
Whats it cost ???
Who n where ???
How to pass vicroads + u know all that

So im keen to help-

Theres info on vicroads, import duty n taxes

A shipping company ,found only 1 so far to get an idea
What cost are involved....

Any feed back will be forwarded to mate of greek boy
( his now new busa forum sign up ;) )

Has anyone done it that you know of & what bullshit
From the authorities did they cop

Any help will be helping a busa rider that needs his

Hayabusa greek love machine to ride around here

There are aussie shipping mobs who will ship your bike to the isle of Mann and back for the TT, perhaps they might be able to assist
Contact these blokes:
Speak to Daryl. Tell them Pan sent you...
(23-08-2012, 09:59pm)pan Wrote: Contact these blokes:
Speak to Daryl. Tell them Pan sent you...

Well that will either help or not. Guess there is only one way to find out Lol2
Just as a reference, and I dont have the shipping agent, but my Uncle recently moved back to Malta and took his VS Ute, cost him $4,000 in shipping and that included gear in the back. I guess a bike should be cheaper.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Must have been a flash VS ute to pay 4k to ship it.

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