2fast4uWell folks I know you've missed me! I've done my six months in solitary following the Tathra Bash. In fact, put the lock on the bike and dust cover and thought no more of riding. But the blood still turns red in the eye and I'm on good behaviour. Truth is I'm in W.A. visiting daughter and ran into a lovely lady "Fluvia" a duke rider and she ignited the bike passion again.
Get me up to speed now that I can sign in again!
The growlers are awaiting another chapter.
So why the 6 months in solitary?
Hey Gerry , Welcome back .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
After a dressing down for cavalier riding (too fast, too furious)on the Bash which saw a following rider down due to lack of local road knowledge I thought to myself you own a superbike for what reasons? I'm not going to wax lyrical other than to say because I can, can handle the pace and I'm an individual. I don't bling my bike because I use it for its intentional purpose.
So I thought what has the hayabusa club got to - a military style approach to leading, wingmen and stray collector on rides? So I gave myself 6 months to think about it and came back to core principles - I enjoy riding immensely just got to keep my alter ego in check!
Thanks Greeny for the welcome back. The Axe, I hope I've explained myself.

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