Bike Night @ WSID
It's on again, Bike Night is back in 2006, on the 1st of February.

If you are coming to race you will need:
1- Jacket (cordura is ok)
2-Long pants (jeans are ok)
3-Gloves & Boots (work boots are ok)
4-$45 entry fee

Spectators are $15.
WSID have given the spectator bikes priority parking, this is located at the bottom of the stairs near the scruitineering shed.

We have a prize package for the best 60 foot time for a street bike, this is not open to ANDRA licence holders or bikes with drag mods.
The prize package is:
S and R Pro, dyno run valued to $100
Easyrider Imports, 4ltrs Unicorn Oil and Militec engine conditioner.
RAPID magazine, 1 year subscription.
E/T column RAPID, No-Bar t shirt.
Wolf Racing, Zero Gravity screen.
MPE, lowering straps.

Dave Gilbert, who writes the E/T column in RAPID will be there to cover the night, and there will be a results list in each issue, with the riders name and make and model of bike.

We had a few problems last year, to fix them I need everyone to remember to fill out your entry form clearly, this isn't only for the tracks use but it is also where Captain gets his info from to put in the Bragging Board as part of RAPID's coverage, so where it says vehicle dont say Suzuki 1000.
Say its a Suzuki GSXR1000, how many diferant 1000's do Suzuki make? So keep the info clear please.

Another problem we have is people que jumping, you can't do this once you leave the staging lanes as it mixes up the order in which the comentators have your details and it puts someone elses run time on your run.
So get next to the guy/girl you want to race before moving off, this will ensure we have a smoothly run night.

I hope to see you all out there on the 1st.

Dave <i></i>
Doubt my bike will be ready by then, but will try to come out with family to watch and take pics... <i></i>
Today Dave Gilbert and myself had a meeting with WSID management in regards to Bike Night.

WSID have agreed to open the gates earlier at 4:30pm on Bike Night so we can get the bikes in through scruitineering and into the staging lanes ready to race, and the bikes will be run first, we also will get the last run of the night too.

Anyone who is not sure how the lights work, or how to stage correctly if you are there ready to race by 5:30, there will be a chance for you to go out to the start and an official will go through the start procedure.

They will be enforcing the 160 vehicle cut off this year, so it pays to get there before the cars do, as it will be first in first served.

See you all out there on the 1st.

Quote:We have a prize package for the best 60 foot time for a street bike, this is not open to ANDRA licence holders or bikes with drag mods.
What exactly are DRAG MODS
Please be specific as it may eliminate many here Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 18/1/06 9:32 pm
Bruce, I would say that extended swingarms, turbo's, NOS set ups, that type of thing.

Once you modify the swingarm or chassis you have to have it tech inspected to race at an ANDRA track(in theory), to have a tech done you will have to have a log book, and to have a log book you will need an ANDRA licence, if you have an ANDRA licence you are not eligible.

I don't think lowering links and straps should count, as a lot of people lower bikes because they prefer the look or handling of a lowered bike.

Dont forget, once you run under 10.5 you will need an ANDRA licence, so if you have a lowered busa that is extended you are going to be under 10.5 anyway.

<i>Edited by: CAS3234 at: 19/1/06 8:46 am

Just go out and launch to the 1000' then shut it off.

Easy fix.


(PS Just watch out for the ones that dont shut off and run through.) <i></i>
Bruce what is the prize you are going to win for your best 60 foot time this time in a couple of weeks, gotta find me a good 400m plus car park
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>
Bruce, what is there left to win?
Maybe a big dildo Cheers,
Quote:Just go out and launch to the 1000' then shut it off.


See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

Hi all,
If Eastern Creek are true to recent form racing will be cancelled at the first sight of a dark cloud if so BBQ at my place instead. All welcome. I am 5 minutes from the creek.

Heidi is comming up from Canberra for her first drag race and will be staying at my place so if it rains feel free to drop in and say hello.

Oh yeah it's her birthday this Thursday!!!

0400 697 254 Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

WSID have given us a few consesions for Bike Night, they are going to take the new comers through an orientation 15 minutes before the night kicks off, also if anyone needs to be run through how it all works, just look for me or Captain we will be more than happy to run through it with you.
All the WSID staff have been told what is going on and they know there will be a few first timers, but they wont put up with guys wheel standing or doing burnouts on the return road or in the pit area, they will kick you out, so if you do it expect to be going home.

We now have staging lanes 7 and 8 as well as some of the area west of these lanes to sort the bikes into rough groups, 9sec bikes, 10sec, 11sec, etc.

Captain printed up some forms to make life easier for sorting through the mess of info to get it printed into RAPID, John Henman has printed up 60 of them to be handed out by the gate staff when you enter, so if you trailer your bike in make sure you grab one.

Word is out that there could be some filming happening too, so wear your good gear and wash your bikes.

Here's hoping for good weather.

Dave <i></i>

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