Unforgettable moments in your lifetime
(08-10-2009, 10:33am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Waking up in the morning just to find my daughter with blue lips and dead in her cot at 5 months old.

God Bless her soul, that would be devastating for any parent...
never fly higher than your angel.
(10-10-2009, 12:26pm)Mutha Wrote:
(08-10-2009, 10:33am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Waking up in the morning just to find my daughter with blue lips and dead in her cot at 5 months old.

God Bless her soul, that would be devastating for any parent...

There is no god Mutha,at least not for me.What I have seen while executing orders in my work is the biggest wake up call anyone can get on how spietful and nasty and destructive we can be towards each other.The human being has been trigerring tragedys for ever and IMO he is his own nuclear detonation device just waiting to happen.Sometimes I try to justify her death and say to myself that my daughter is luckier than alot of the murdered,strarved and raped children i came across in the baltiks and the middle east but than I look at her photo and that comparison falls to pieces cause she was mine.There are nights that Im hesitant in going to bed,scared that I might dream of her than wake up just to find that her bed is/will still be empty.
Apologys for the downer post.
(08-10-2009, 09:15am)DjPete Wrote: 9 11. A horrible day. Like a live nightmare.
The dust storm here in Melbourne. Like the end of the world had come.
The deaths of friends from this Club.
Surviving a fire I was in the centre of when I was an apprentice motor mechanic in the 80's. My leg caught on fire.
Surviving righting off my Katana 1100 in the 80's. T boned a car.
Going through a malignant Bladder Cancer phase from 35 -45 yo. Went radical Raw Food Diet for well over a year and drove family mad. Don't go back to quacks any more. So far so good.
Looking into my 80 yo dads eyes for the last time as he gave me the biggest she' be right smile before he went into surgery for a burst aorta. He never came out again. (love ya dad)
Meeting my wife at Chasers nightclub and singing that song Rosanna Rosanna (Her last name was Rosano) all the way home....true love.
Watching my kids grow up. My oldest Alyce finishes high school in a week. Where has time gone!
Being the oldest person probably in Australia if not the world doing Parkour on a regular basis, feeling the fittest I have ever felt, hanging out with a young crowd who respect me for never saying never and listening to what their views are etc. I have a lot of respect for todays kids.
being able to be part of a band at age 50 and do what I always dreamt of doing...playing drums.
Building and watching my Hosting Web Design business grow every day. Very proud.
And still being able run my DJ business at 50 and be up to speed with most of the music. Lol.
Appreciating little things...My dog Coda. He is amazing.
Being 50, I made it, another stage of life...looking at things from a different perspective, respecting what I have had the pleasure of doing, knowing that plenty of people I know have not made 50. Living every day as full as I can make it. Knowing and hoping there will be more stuff after death.

I can relate to all this stuff DJ. I'm fast approaching 50 too.
Well done.
It's a week by week charade.

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