Stator Cover - Remove & Replace
Hi guys and girls - here is a guide to replacing your left hand side engine cover otherwise known as the Stator Cover.

Before you start make sure you have the following:
New engine cover
New Gasket seal
Socket set
Allen key set
Old rags
Small container to catch residue oil (30-50ml)
1 hour of time

Firstly, you will need to remove the left hand side fairing as shown


Then unwind the wire holder as indicated by the green arrow below and using a socket undo all bolts as shown with red arrows

Now slide the cover towards you- this will require a little force or leverage as it is magnetised. I used a flat head screwdriver to help with this.
Some residue oil will spill as you try this- it is a very small amount but have a container under the cover to catch any spillage.
Once the cover is off you will see this


Pull out the metal spacers as shown by the green arrows (use needlenose pliers if they are difficult to remove. This may not come with the new cover and will need to be reused. Then unscrew the bolts indicated by the red arrows above.

Once screws are all undone remove old gasket as indicated by green arrow. Then gently pop out black oil sensor thing as indicated by red arrow and finally remove round metal thing(not its technical name) as indicated by yellow arrow.

You will then need to disconnect wires completely from old cover

To do this you must slide it out as indicated by the red arrow below

Now that you have removed all inner parts it is time to reassemble.
Grab your new cover

Reinstall big round metal thing as shown by blue arrow and bolt on,
Then install slide in oil line as indicated by red arrow and finish by bolting down black sensor as shown by green arrows.

Now replace new gasket by placing over metal spacers and lining up remaining holes and then slide new cover back onto where it was removed from, reinstall all bolts and ensure all are in before handtightening one at a time

Nearly there... replace left hand side fairing.


And finally take her for a test ride and check for any leaks or drips- may need to tighten or realign gasket.

All up this took me about an hour and i'm no mechanic. It was fairly simple although it took me about 5 mins to realise how to disconnect the wires. So you might do it in 55 mins hahahaha


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