Beware on the Old Pacific Hwy - diabolical road surface
For those who don't see this in the other area.

If you're on the Old Pacific Hwy PLEASE BE CAREFUL. This is not a general reminder - its a warning.

The surfaces are treacherous since the council recently went through and repaired hundreds of cracks with dribbled tar. They then spread cement dust on them (why? I don't know) and its made it even worse.

It's bad enough in dry conditions, but in the wet or early mornings you're asking for disaster to push it through most bends in the 80 km/h section. Worst sections are from Pie through to Brooklyn (both directions). In the 60km/h section, the transition stages (between the newly resurfaced bits and the old surface) are still oily and a bit slippery.

There are so many lines of dribbled tar on some corners that its almost impossible to plot a course that misses them.

Be careful guys and gals.
I was surprised to find this new surface a couple of weeks ago.
The back end went out just north of Berowra and I thought that I hit something like an oil patch. Then I noticed the ever increasing dribbles of soft liquid tar that seems to have been poured into all the longitudinal cracks along the road.

You are right Astro, it is very hard to find a good line now and it may well have been a plan to slow the riders down. I know that it worked for me.

I hit it on a warmish day - mid 20 degree - I hate to see what is going to happen when the temp gets up into the high 30s.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Noted, I havn't been that way for years, and have no intention of going along that overpoliced piece of road.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"

Update : Was up there again yesterday. No better, but the potentially good news is that there was a road survey crew up there this weekend doing a laser analysis of the road surface in the worst areas. Lets see what happens.

In the meantime, be careful.
We had a simillar stretch of road on the Raymond Terrace bypass just over the last couple of weeks.
First they filled the cracks with tar and then a couple of weeks later they came through and resurfaced the whole stretch with bitumix.
Hopefully they will do the same down on the old road.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO

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