rapid write up on jindy run
mybb Wrote:Will we have a boxing ring setup at the next annual meet if we can ever decide where and when that will be?

We can have a boxing competition for those adults who can't speak to the board without exposing themselves in public Very Happy

I nominate Heidi for Referee.
[Image: HeidiandtheCoachgun.jpg]

What do you call a woman with a loaded shotgun? - Anything she wants you to call her!!Coolsmiley

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Jesus - that is one librarian you wouldn't f*** with. - nice little coach gun too.

I beat you for camera hog award simmo, 4 mugshots and 2 pics I took are in there. How did the yammie burnout pic sneak in? LOL

Good job on the write-up Ray. Pi_thumbsup

HEY, I CANT WRITE lFUCK on new board - keeps changing to fark, fark it.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
it wasnt me
[Image: bmr.gif]
My dad worked for the salvo's. I wouldn't give those pricks a cent . Most of the money raised doesn't even go to the needy . try about 85% .So you can stick your salvo's where the sun don't shine busgo ? give it to him kawa and spaman .
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches
mechanx Wrote:My dad worked for the salvo's. I wouldn't give those pricks a cent . Most of the money raised doesn't even go to the needy . try about 85% .So you can stick your salvo's where the sun don't shine busgo ? give it to him kawa and spaman .

lol... and i thought i was confused before
[Image: bmr.gif]
Ok looks like the fuggin guns are out boys "Lock and Load"
This is not for the faint hearted.
Hey Busgo

:Jindy Loop

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