Yeah saved a few sheckels on that baby............ammortised of course over a near decade Lol3

Saw your goldie in Eliz St Saturday on my Vic Market fish run Pi_thumbsup...........Was in Ducati Melb looking at that 1098 S....$33 K (ouch) .................don't think the riding position could be lived with at my tender years Coolsmiley

Cam drive belts & shims every 23,000 k's Scary
Never ride the A model of anything.
wasnt the sheck savings mate but rather to see how long one can last. Did I miss you at the duc? yea wanna try that 1098s, will do so, see what the fuss is all about.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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