Californian Superbike School
A Bloke in an SA Forum I visit ,has just got back from taking his son (16 yrs old & Races, Yeah Rich prick ) to eastern creek this w/end to do the 2 day level1 &2 of the school . He was watching a couple of Busa's & mentioned how he thought they went ,so to whoever it was here are his words .

There were a couple of Busa riders doing level 1 & 2 I watched them over the 2 days & there riding improved out of sight.
I tried not to watch Liam much over the 2 days as I didn't want to appear as an interfearing parent.
So I filled in my time observing the process and how riders progressed over the 2 days.
I would have to say all the riders I observed improved considerably over the 2 days.
These courses are also run at Phillip Island, so not only do you get to improve your riding you also get to ride one the greatest race tracks in the world.

This bloke also Races & his son & mates have recently won the 24 hr at PI . So to whoever it was Well Done .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here

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