many questions!
Hi busa owners, Im a recent convert having bought a second hand red and black beast last weekend - what a blast of a bike! A few questions:
1) Does anyone knows how much the speedo on a busa is out by at 100kph?
2) Are those cutouts in the bodywork below the pillion meant as a handhold or are they simply cosmetic?
3) Anyone have a couple of spare pins that hold ocky straps (the front ones)? My bike came with a rack and the original pins are missing (new ones are $25 each!)
Look forward to hearing from you
Welcome Davo, and congrats on your bike, youll fall in love with it. To answer some of your questions.

1) Speedo out about 8% as a rough average, if you want a true reading you would have to get the "Yellow" box by black robotics. (see below)
2) Nah they're love handles when you pump the busas pipe. Just ask Les hes an expert....LOL
3) Try wreckers otherwise only new ones will be available.

for details re yellow box and many other mods go to Mods at Edited by: Volvi  at: 2/22/01 3:09:36 pm
I thought that the Yellow box was only to correct for different sprockets. I just thought it added or subtracted a fixed percentage, not that it has any capability of measuring speed in its own right. You would need a GPS to do that?

They are not grab holes - The one on the left is designed to draw air in over the regulator in the electrics. The one on the right is there for balance.

Sorry, no spare pins here, either. And yes, there are some wreckers around who have Busas on their hands...

Mateer, I notice you're from Sydney - are you going to the Dyno weekend (see topic entitled Dyno Weekend for details).
If you check out the left hand side cut out you will notice a steel handle.I've been told it to help get the bike up on its centre stand if you have one.
check your sprockets are standard first as this will affect your speedo reading more. Jamie is right, the left hand side is a handle for lifting the bike centre stand wise. Forgotten your third question! It must be senility setting in!
The Yellow Box lets you apply a correction factor to the signal being sent to the dash (ie, your speedo, odo, etc.)

As the speedo sensor is on the countershaft sprocket, it becomes obvious that a change in gearing will affect your speedo. So, yes a typical use of the Yellow Box is to recalibrate the speedo after a change of sprockets, but it is not limited to that.

You measure (via some external method - the Yellow Box instructions provide serveral ways) how far out your speedo is, and then set the Yellow Box to correct by this factor.

For the curious, my 'Busa's speedo was a shade over 7% optimistic (7.03% I think).

Shaun - a happy Yellow Box user
how much was it Shaun? much trouble to fit it? easy to calibate it? where did you get it? any & all info would be helpful to every one here. thanks
On this trip up to Sydney, I have come to the conclusion that both my Odo and my Speedo are about 7%-10% out. The odo read more than it should, and the speedo read 110 while the external reading was only 98.
For detailed answers to all your questions about the Yellow Box, it is best to check out their home page:

As for me, I was one of the official testers - so I got mine for free. I see that they're currently selling for A$230 (including shipping + GST). Not cheap, but read the 'Quality/Making of the Yellow Box' link on their web site, and you'll understand why.

I found it easy to install and calibrate. You need to undo one allen key bolt and unclip the wire from under the tank to remove the speedo sensor - then the Yellow Box wires get connected to this. I got an Auto Electrician to do this for me. It's not hard, but I wanted my joins properly soldered, and covered with heat-shrink tubing. Cost me $10.

As for calibrating, I found the quickest way to get very close was to go for a ride to the nearest Highway with "Check your speedo" radars. (Just outside Melbourne, on the Hume Hwy in a 110 km/h zone is where I did mine.) Ride through and see what the radar thinks your actual speed is, then do a quick calculation to see how many % out your speedo is.

Then all you do is look up (in the supplied table) the switch settings to correct that percentage of error. Flip the switches on the Yellow Box, and you're done.

Wow, I'm starting to sound like a Salesman for the Yellow Box. However, I dont work for them, and I don't get paid to promote the Yellow Box or anything like that. I'm just doing my bit to help with what I think is a damn good Aussie made product.

Thanks Shaun, good info.
hi shaun

i was under the understanding that those "Check your speedo" radars were unreliable for reading motorbikes and if they are not, than the last time i checked my speedo against that one you mentioned, it indicated an error of 12 k/hr at 100 - meaning i was in fact doing only 88 k/hr,,

i would have thought that a speedo check on a dyno would be a more reliable method to set the yellow box - if one had the opportunity,,

food for thought,,
Les: I was hoping that was the case (I mentioned the 7-10% error on speedo, I took that from the speedo check mentioned above). However, I heard they were accurate... HOpe not, cause that may just turn my 280 to 250 somefin...
Having verified my calibration by other means, I can say that the reading I got from the Hume Hwy radar does seem to be accurate.

However, I have ridden through a number of times and got no reading whatsoever! They do seem to have a bit of trouble getting a fix on a motorcycle. The good thing about the Hume Hwy one is that it is easy to make a short loop, so that you can keep riding through and get readings. Mine (when I would get them) were consistent.

Les, have you changed your gearing at all? 12km/h out does seem a bit much for standard.

Anyway, as the Yellow Box instructions indicate, this is not the most accurate means to calibrate. It's just one of the quickest and easiest to get much closer than stock IMO.


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