I inadvertantly caused a three car bingle on the weekend.
I was at the top of a BEAUTIFUL twisty piece of road just as it turns to gravel. I got off to rest my arms and have cigarette when a 4wd came BARRELING off the gravel far too fast. I gave them the 'I'm fine thanks' wave, they waved back, all was fine. A second 4WD came off, I waved, they waved, a THIRD 4WD behind them, waves all round.
First 4WD thinks, 'maybe that wave was for help' and slams the brakes on. Second 4WD is still caught in 'HEY, was that a CHICK?' slams into first, third slams into second which is now surgically attached to first.
Pan back to bike rider, backing up and thinking 'f***, they always blame the bike rider!'
It was like an AAMI ad.
Luckily no-one was hurt and I managed to difuse the situation by being first aid trained and taking charge before anyone else thought to stop me.
I'm thinking about painting three 4WDs on my tank.
Lucky you could help, I would have been pissing myself laughing!
With footage like that and I bet no camera in site? Just make sure that next time you don't end up as a hood ornament on some jerks patrol......
Perhaps a serious matter, but the way you put it Heidi, couldnt stop laughing, well written and love that comment about painting them on your tank. Well done. I nominate you for a Busa Oscar.
5 4WDs = 1 Road Train....
As Volvi says, this is probably a serious matter but ain't it funny the lengths some tin toppers will go to to receive mouth to mouth from a first aid trained, Busa riding, leathered chick? (Sorry)
Hi all,
Just in relation to a post regarding jerks in patrols, hehehe well we could just as well stereotype psyco wankers on bikes now couldent we?. i have driven and riden way before i have had my licence and enjoy both immensly. you think you can geto alot of beautiful places on a bike, well double that and double that again for access via a 4WD. Just as there are idiotic 4WD drivers, there are many idiotic riders. If you take into account that there are many more 4wd's out there than bikes, i would think that relative to the numbers, that statistics relating to the wank factor of drivers versus riders will be on par.
I use my bike every day without fail, and i come across the most curteous of drivers, and when i am in any of the cars, beint 4WD or not, there are alot off a-holes on 2 wheels aswell. ( especially on harleys...hehehehhehe)
I know it was probabyl said toung in cheek, but ya know.. i just had to speak up eh!.
BTW yes i do have a Patrol!
As an aside here,
Did you know? that in many South American countries (e.g. Chile), pajero means wanker!
Richard, you get the strawberry award....lol and Heidi still the oscar.
Do you know the road Jessie? Top of Brindabella Road, back way to Tumut. It is a stunner. If any of you are up this way to say hi, that is where I would take you.
We do ride like complete bloody LUNATICS along that road. This is the first three-car-pileup I have seen, but we've had quite a few bike deaths along that road. This accident was cause by a moment's inattention something we all have, bikes and cars alike.
And now for my Oscar's speach.......
Apologies appear in order. Of course I was speaking generally and more than a little tongue in cheek. (The fact you drive a Patrol I'm sure had no bearing on your comments).However, just to put things in perspective and don't tell Richard because I'll deny it, I had a Pajero up until a few months ago. The whole tribe used to pack up and go all sorts of places, Newnes for example. As for the jerks on two wheels, I ride the M4 every day and see all sorts in and on all kinds.
P.S. Heidi, the original story was great, send it in to one of the letters to the editors in AMCN or similar. Everyone I show it to kacks themselves.
The quickest way to turn a 2 wheel rider into a jerk rider - paint the word "courier" on their bag...
Great story Heidi! Can we arrange a replay one weekend? :)