27-11-2000, 03:06pm
Hi there Guys and Gals,
Well, after saving my pennies, saying my prayers night after night and writing a tonne of letters to Santa Claus, my big day finally arrived. I took the day off last Friday to go and pick up my new Red & Black 'Busa.
For those of you who bought your 'Busas on the tail end of a different (and no doubt inferior!) bike, spare a thought for me, as my test ride on the 'Busa was my first time on a bike after a ten year break!!!
Yes, in case you were wondering, I did go home afterwards to apply a vacuum cleaner to my eye-balls (to suck them back forward to where they were before the ride!!)
My ride home from the Dealer saw me grinning from ear to ear. What was even more entertaining was the WRX & HSV owners who pulled up alongside and sized me up!
Did I take them on? Nyahh - I figured that there was as much challenge in me burning them off as there would have been in them having a drag with a Mack Truck! (Maybe next time I will, just to teach them some humility!) Does anyone else get reactions from Tossers like these or was I just lucky?!?
Anyhow, if there is anyone in W.A. going to the Toy Run this coming Saturday, post a reply and I'll keep an eye out for you (vacuum cleaner jokes aside!)
Well, after saving my pennies, saying my prayers night after night and writing a tonne of letters to Santa Claus, my big day finally arrived. I took the day off last Friday to go and pick up my new Red & Black 'Busa.
For those of you who bought your 'Busas on the tail end of a different (and no doubt inferior!) bike, spare a thought for me, as my test ride on the 'Busa was my first time on a bike after a ten year break!!!
Yes, in case you were wondering, I did go home afterwards to apply a vacuum cleaner to my eye-balls (to suck them back forward to where they were before the ride!!)
My ride home from the Dealer saw me grinning from ear to ear. What was even more entertaining was the WRX & HSV owners who pulled up alongside and sized me up!
Did I take them on? Nyahh - I figured that there was as much challenge in me burning them off as there would have been in them having a drag with a Mack Truck! (Maybe next time I will, just to teach them some humility!) Does anyone else get reactions from Tossers like these or was I just lucky?!?
Anyhow, if there is anyone in W.A. going to the Toy Run this coming Saturday, post a reply and I'll keep an eye out for you (vacuum cleaner jokes aside!)