Some Interesting 2001 Busa Info
Hi all, just received some information in regards to the speed limiter issue for the 2001 Busa's. Just so you know, I'm from Canada, and according to the largest Suzuki dealer in Canada, there is NO restriction at all on any Canadian or American 2001 Busas!! I have known this guy a long time, his Suzuki dealership (his motorcycle shop) has been in business for 80 years!! Yes, that's not a mistake, 80 years. Anyway, he has a very close relationship with Suzuki Canada, and according to the info he gave me, the limiters will only be done on a country by country basis, not worldwide. From what he told me, all these speed issues started over in Europe where there are no real regulations on speed or safety. Again, according to Suzuki Canada, North America has a higher standard of speed enforcement than overseas, so Suzuki felt that there was no need to limit the speed. I have no idea if this information is correct or not, the only thing I know is this man reputation, and he has almost always been right. If anyone has heard this rumor, please supply some more feed back. Please don't shoot the messenger. I'm just passing on what I've heard.

Hey there Busboy

I spent a bit of time bootling up the east coast of the US and ended up in Canada. The whole way up (before I got my 'ear' for the accent) I'd bump into Candians who would say, 'I'm NOT American, I'm CANADIAN'. Didn't understand why until I got to Canada and found out you guys are cool.

How far north are you? Do you have to put the bike on blocks a few months of the year? Are there many girls on busas there?

I live in Toronto, Ontario. The great misconception about Canada is that it's ALWAYS cold up here, and in most cases that would be a fair assumption, depending on which Canadian you speak with. Where I'm from the winters are actually milder than most places in Canada. I store my Busa in my garage which is heated so I have never really thought about storing the bike that way. I just cover her up and let her sit! As far as the female content of Busa owners, I can't say that I have ever seen one in Toronto. As a matter of fact, I have only seen 2 other Busa riders of any gender in Toronto!!! Believe it or not, but Hayabusas are extremely rare in Toronto. What you find up here are tones of R1's, R6's, GSXR's, mostly mainstream bikes. That's why I love my Busa so much, everywhere I go I get stopped.

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