
Who was the gutless piece of gutter shit that hotmailed me. Being now out in the open I trust you have the guts to put a name to it. As for giving me a flogging, please see me anywhere you name. Would love to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be posted on the other board as well.

Regards Col
Sorry Col, some people are morons.

What the Eff's going on? I take it this ain't the harmless comments we were having fun with re the power wars?
Up until now, I have enjoyed the banter and exchange of information on this board usually amongst a group of like minded people with a passion for two wheel terror. I would look forward to this continuing.
I obviously can only speak for myself but feel confident that I echo the opinions of most when I say that club members should and do conduct themselves with a reasonable level of common sense. I personally have learnt a lot from your self and hope that also continues. There's always one but hopefuly the group isn't tarred with the same brush....
Cheers man...
Yes, the world is full of strange people.

The motives for this seem to allude everyone concerned, except the sender, who has chosen to be anonymous.

Surely the author of the offending email has seen this thread by now, and we hope that they either take Colin up on his offer and come out from under their rock and email him under their real identity. Either that, or they disappear into the hole from whence they came.

And Frosty, I am sure that Colin realises that we are not all tainted with the same opinion.
Colin, sorry you have had to put up with some moronic cowards' bullshit.Unfortunately some people haven't got enough dash to declare themselves and back up their verbal garbage. regards - Jim

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