The correct recognised method to re-aim a headlight??
G'day people.

With the installation of the HID, and tonight being the first time I've gotten to ride at night, I need to chech the aiming.

I lost count of the number of people that high beamed me, along with a finger from a taxi driver .

When I got home, in the level garage, I rolled the bike up against the wall (without touching), and took note of the headlight position (high and low beams). Then, while keeping the bike upright and being careful not to let it rock back or forth, I rolled the bike backwards the length of the garage (6m), and the light positions stayed about the same, neither raising or lowering by any amount.

I know this is the method for aiming cars, but bikes do tend to flash around a bit under even the slightest acceleration/braking.

Could it be that my aiming is correct and the headlight is just really bright now (and it is really fu#*'n bright now ).
Peter Altas
The best way i've found Pete is to get your bike out on a flat straight deserted road at night and set the high beam up with you sitting on the bike,the low beam will take care of its self,if the high beam is right then the low beam should be also.
Ideally, find a nice foggy night on a dark street! Works a treat cause you can tell if the light is pointing too much left- right, or whatever! AND if you are usually on 1 wheel -doesn't matter where the light points
Rod, the problem is that I only changed the low beam light. The globe reflects differently and needs to be adjusted seperately. The high beam is fine, just the low that's pissing people off.

Don't get me wrong, I love giving people the blinding light (and it doesn't matter if they high beam me as I pass either ! ), but I don't want to do the same to the boys-in-blue if my light is in fact illegal (globe isn't, but the mod might be without an engineers report).

Peter Altas
Didnt know the high and low beams could be adjusted independantly?
the busa has independant adjustments for high and low beam. ie you have to do both of them, the low beam does not take care of itself from the high beam
I still haven't had the nuts to try my HID install yet. Did you have any difficulties? Do you any tips for me?

I intend to fit an on/off switch purely for switching it off during start up, if I ever need to. Did you do this?

I'd really like to get it done soon, as I'm on roads at night that have piss poor lighting.

Now you've done the front, Pete, do the back. I have Icemann's LEDs on a topgun undertail. You won't regret those either.
I like the stock rear, so that won't be getting changed.

The only thing I did wrong was mount the globe upside down. There's a little piece of silver reflective metal on one side of the globe, and it has to point up. With the plastic cover removed (last one you put back on when replacing the front fairing) and with a 10mm socket on a ratchet, you can adjust the height of the low beam without having to remove the fairing. Make sure that you don't hide this with the wiring loom! Sitting on the bike, it's on the right hand side of the reflector.

Otherwise, install is a piece of piss. Use a couple of crimp lugs and a length of wire to make a lead to go between the original globe loom and the hid ballast (I didn't cut the wires so I can take it off if I sell the bike) but make sure that you've got the pos/neg wires the right way round. You don't want to hurt the ballast.
Peter Altas
Couldnt have said it better myself. IF you do get the neg/pos backwards the ballast will just shut down until you undo the short. Nice corrective work in the ballast.

Peter. With your HID. Your approach in the garage is ok but the problem is 6m is too close. Further back your garage angle probably changes.

Find a flat wall. Pull forward sitting on the bike until the light pattern is noted on the wall. Put masking tape across the main part of the beam left to right. Then back up 10 feet and note the difference if its going up or down. then 25 feet, note light on tape. Adjust to meet tape line. Then check the 50 foot mark. Adjust to tape line. The high beam should fall slightly above that and centered on the low beam. That shoudl be very close. The HID is bright enuff that you can adjust it at the 100 foot mark as well.

check it first then go back and check/change it. Hope it helps


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