Thank you Guys !!!!!!
Just wanted to thank all of you on the ride today......

I am sure I will earn the *young one that went wide on the first Busa club ride* nick name... or scratchy

But thank you guys for all stopping and checking to make sure I was ok.

I am still smacking my self for it !! I should have bloody know better !

Apart from dropping the bike the ride was unreal !!!
Thanks again and if I am allowed I'll see you all again,

Take care,

Raz, if you don't want to run wide again, shorten your wheelbase, you will be amazed how much improvement there is.

Wind your chain adjusters so the axle is as far forward as it will go then shorten your chain by removing one link Don't forget to loosen the brake arm bolts or the wheel will not move forward
Scratchy don't forget the panadol tonight, things will seen a whole lot better tomorrow .

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