ping gaza or any1 else remember re manometer
remember that topic re vacuum guages or manometers, was it you that provided the link? search facility here is hopeless.

found it thx Edited by: Volvi  at: 24/5/06 10:38 pm
If you buy a set Volvi , let me kno what you think of them and the service from the UK
There's one on Aussie ebay occasionaly $150 in an ebay shop, not there at the moment though!
thx guys
I have a set, they work good. (Mercury free)

Got it from Gazza's link a couple of months back.
yea I got one set coming too.
arrived this morning jeez I only ordered it last thursday and its here already kudos to them. will be a while before I get to play with it as have half a dozen projects currently in the works. so any input rev on using it properly will be appreciated. I'll go to tech dept. and hilite my current projects.
Volvi - I know u r a busy man but can u pls change me from a registered guest to a member.

cheers - ruffy
np just mention what state youd like.

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