Quick word from Europe
belly dancing land we want pics max thanks for the thing we talked about i owe you a take care and keep us up to date
Hey Rod,
first one from Mykonos sent from here today, snail mail was 60 euro so don't expect it overnight. Sitting in the internet cafe for the next hour waiting for the hydrofoil, which may or may not run as the wind is really blowing which makes the hydrofoil a little risky. Alexander and I have a 1050hrs flight for Istanbul tomorrow morning out of Athens Airport so we need the wind to settle a bit in the next hour or so.

Fingers crossed.

Greece is the word Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Thanks for that max just the one i fine enjoy your trip look forward to your next update
Hý guys,
typýng thýs from Cannacale, just across the way from Gallýpolý, Turks have a strange language made up of some weýrd lookýng letters öÖçÇé€üÐþ, just found the comma so please bear wýth the strange way ýt comes comes up on the board. Drove down to Bursa and the Sýlk markets after a day ýn Istanbul doýng Mosques, Grand Bazaa and such. Býg dýfference from Greece, very few býkes on the road, the coppers rýde a mýx of TDMs and sýmýlar býkes and have tough reputatýons, f*** wýth them and get f****d wýth back doubly and wýth possýbýlýoty of havýng to pay 'soup' money - brýbes and then lýkely to get away wýth anythýng.
Very moved by Gallýpolý.
Drývýng back to Istanbul tomorrow then flyýng to Parýs Sunday mornýng. 5 weeks out and mýssýng home a faýr být, sýmple thýngs lýke a loaf of slýced bread, haven't seen one sýnce leavýng home, peanut butter, barbeque sauce etc. A rýde would be nýce but that wýll come. Had an explosýon ýn a Southern cýty that kýlled 11 the day we got here, planted by the PKK, been a být concerned for Alexander, but have kept hým close to me and stayed awake whýle we are out. Wýll be glad to leave Turkey, puts us closer to home.
Sent a couple of postcards from Ancýent Troy thýs mornýng, now that was a buzz, standýng lookýng out at the straýghts that guard the openýng to the Dardenelles hearýng the old names from the Illýad, excellent experýence.

More next týme from Parýs.

Greece was the word
Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Dont miss home to much Max, you'll be home before you know it and the holiday will be a blurr once you get back into the normal routine
having travelled much in my life I still find the best thing about travelling is the coming home and sleeping in ones own bed, sheer pleasure. and then the inspection of the 2 wheels and ride out.
Mary, my wife actually forecast that immediately we get home, she shall commence unpacking, getting clothes on to wash etc, she went on to say that she fully expected me to immediately get the Bus out, wash it and take it for a quick sorting out ride. I have to trade her in, she knows me all too well obviously!!

We arrived in Paris yesterday at lunch time. Had the arvo exploring and ddrinking French beer - gin's piss, nothing neaar as good as VB. .

Heading out to dinner and show at Moulin Rouge. Heading to the big Tower thingy, Louvre etc tomorrow after a sleep in. Doing it pretty tough as you can see. Alexander and I heading north to do the Somme Battlefield tour Thursday through to Saturday. We really are having a great time - no rain in the last nearly 6 weeks, a drop this morning but we got up after it, gotta be happy with that.

Going to miss the ride for Dirtbags, bugger.

Weather is sitting on 19-23 degrees C here, warm and dry without the heat of Turkey and Greece.

Looking forward to getting home and Yes Volvi, really looking forward to our own beds.

France Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Hi all,
Alexander and I just spent a couple of days doing a tour of The Somme, a battleground of the 1st WW. Lots of bad decisions lead to a lot of Anzac's being killed in huge numbers. We spent time standing in the remains of the front line trenches and on a path through no man's land, still not allowed to walk through the open ground there. Lots of grass growing, a small mob of sheep keeps the grass mown. Sombre place.
Few bikes out there, did see a couple of Hardleys with 50's plus riders and passengers doing similar tour to us. Trying to communicate with French people who have no Aussie is a bit humourous, asked for a Jack and Coke with dinner, got a glass with a nip off scotch, another glass, empty, a small bottle of Coke and another glass with cubes of ice in it last night at the Hotel in Amiens. Gave up on the language thing so walked about a kay and had Macka's for dinner.
Got back into Paris this arvo and had the first rain of the trip, just a bit of drizzle. Not bad for 6 weeks.
Going to see the Notre Dame in the morning, then off to Singapore Monday morning. Two days there and then home by Friday morning. Is it starting to warm up down there yet??? Has it rained at all in the last 6 weeks?

Looking forward to home and our nest. We are leaving a crowded traffic full place. We may have to put up with John Howard, and the Vicpol traffic branch, but we are so very lucky to live where we do.

6 days to ride day

France is so French.

Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
6 weeks has gone so fast max i bet it has for you Sonya said to say thank you verry much hope you have a ball for your last week look forward to catching up with you soon
Are you still in Paris? If you are, take the kids up the Arc de Triompe and let them watch the traffic going round the round-a-bout. That remains one of the funniest things I have ever seen. My two sisters and I (yes the mad one was there) spent hours up there cheering on small cars, pushbikes and pedestrians who had gotten stuck and were in immediate danger of being skittled. Also, it is worth going to the catacombs. Leave Mary topside if she is feeling a bit funny, but when the cemeteries got too full, they dug everyone up and moved them down to the catacombs. When they were placing the bones, they made beautiful patterns out of them. You have never seen anything like it. It has a weird beauty once you get used to it.

Bugger all rain in Canberra. Dan and I are missing you, Dan doesn't think I take Bike Night seriously enough. Say hi to the family, we'll catch up when you get back.

Hi Heidi,
did the Arch of Triumph, excellent, lucky we could go under the road to get there otherwise dead bodies everywhere from the ferocious traffic snarl that is that location.

Flew out of France, De Gaul Airport a little after 12.30 yesterday arvo, flew into Singapore this morning. 12 and a bit hours in a plane is pretty tough, especially on the kids who have a low boredom thresh hold.

Walked into the humidity after a quick kip to try to beta the jet-lag. All f****d up when we woke up but are walking it off, spending a few minutes at an internet cafe getting this note out. Doing the Changi Prisoner of War tour in the morrow, flying into Sydney at a little after 6 Friday morning, renting a car for the drive to Canberra straight up. Should be home by lunchtime. get the bike out, tub and quick checkup, get the gun from the local gunshop where they have been lodged, then have a ride. We have spent an indecent amount of money but had an excellent time.

All of us now looking forward to home.

Talk soon, ride sooner. Dan the Man is always invited on the Canberra RIdes, try to stop him!

Singapore Sling.
Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
We are home. After a sleepless night on the plane we arrived at 05.55am this morning. We bought a 1st World War bayonet at Albert and declared it. Needless to say Customs took an interest in it, but after finding AQUIS were happy that the timber handle was not contaminated with borers they stopped the search and ushered us straight through, probably a lot quicker than most of the other passengers.
It was just so good to touch down on Aussie, after a tour such as we have done it is an easy statement to make when I say "We really are the lucky Country"!
We came home by way of a hire car from Sydney Airport, I drove, Mary kept us both awake and alert - By Sutton Forest Service Centre we were feeling pretty average so we stopped for breakfast and a freshen up before continuing our epic journey. By Lake George we were on the home run called in at the Palmerston shops for milk and bread, then HOME!!! Opened the front door, turned the alarm off, grass is a foot high out the front, inside the house was freezing - remember we have returned from the Equator this morning! Gosh how cold can the floor tiles be??, opened all the doors, turned the hot water service back to hoty from Vacation mode, walked around the back yard, Alexander was set to head off to a mates place to visit, he was pale, dark bags under his eyes andextremely irritable - just like the rest of us! Off to bed for 2 hours sleep then visiting. Hard to sleep heart thumping away thinking of the things to get done, then the phone went off - twice! Waiting for the third was too much so here I sit thumping out these few words.
Those of you in Canberra we shall see in the next few days, The bike riders are heading to Bowral for a ride tomorrow morning to meet up with the Sydney chapter of the Hayabusa Club
Thank you for sharing our trip, it has been excellent getting these words out to you all. I have somewhere in the order of 1400 pictures we took. Some great memories to wander through in a few years.

Who's riding?

Aussie Rocks
Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
home Max hope you and all the family had a great trip THE WARRIOR

Hang on, isn't the trip to visit the Sydney mob at Kiama NEXT weekend? Or are you talking about a different ride?

Hahahaha, fucknose mate I thought it was in the morning. Are you telling ,me it's not??

max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

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