Not sure if anyone in AUS runs top speed stuff, if you do and do not like TRE's for part throttle performance you can have the Gear Position Sensor modified to read 1-2-3-4-5-5 so that all is stock except 6th gear outputs 5th gear value. This is a service I perform for $40 US. I ship them for that in the US, to AUS would cost more for shipping but not much I would think. Probably $45 US shipped to AUS. I would need your GPS sensor to modify, or I can buy a new sensor for $50 US from the dealer and modify, or I have a few cores that i could charge a core charge on and refund when I get your sensor back.
Greg Smith
so maybe you can answer my long un-answered question. I have a '99 and my gear pos sensor was modified many years back to read neutral map for gears 1-4. So my question arose when I recently wanted to put a gear indicator gadget on but it couldnt recognise gears 1-4. Now I can get another GPS and use the indicator that comes with a TRE by the way. So my question is what differences would I find between current 'neutral' map for 1-4 as against using the tre mapped to gear 5? <i></i>
I am not really sure, I have never heard of anyone running neutral map for those gears.
Greg <i></i>
Volvi i think the neutral map is a low power low rev limit map,(how much power and revs do you need in neutral )
You would probably notice an immediate difference if you put a 15 or 6.8 ohm resistor between the pink and black wires on the gps side of the connector and cut the pink after the resistor .
Or buy a GPS from Greg (i'm sure it will be cheaper than buying one locally) and enjoy your gear position indicator. <i></i>
Depending on how it works, I am not sure your indicator could distinguish the difference between 5thand 6th gear if modded as both gears will output the same value. <i></i>
Volvi why cant you just UN-mod your GPS?
Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>
I buying a new GPS, current one has the guts modified covered in black silicone i presume, havent actually seen it yet. I may do one day am in no great hurry. Its just the curiosity of what the diff is between current settings against a map 5 for gears 1-4. and I cant get an answer for that, but the bike still goes off the mark like the clappers so cant be bad. <i></i>
Volvi, I can still make your GPS sensor work with my indicator, I would pull it apart like I do the stock ones and make it a full time TRE (6.8K resistor).
Greg <i></i>
Volvi, put the bike on a dyno and you'll soon see what happens when the bike pulls in the neutral map. <i></i>
gazza do you have any idea yourself how it would compare? <i></i>
Since you cant change your GPS signal, you are stuck with what you have incl the lower rev limiter , and since you dont ride to the limiter it doesnt affect you. If you put the bike on a dyno you'll be able to see if the AF is ok and also if the power is in the correct "ballpark" due to any changes in ignition timing wrt to the neutral map.
Neutral amp is there to catch the bike from over reving due to no someone twisting the throttle WOT whilst sitting on the side load on my motor they rev quickly in to the RED.
Bottom line is if your happy with the bike just leave many K's has it been like this for?????? <i></i>
never noticed the lower rev limiter. i reckon about 50thou gazza and am on 62k. gotta pull the blighter out 1 day and have a look just what was done to it. still been pulling like a rocket. <i></i>