Life after illness.
Hey all! Just wondering how many others in the group have had Kidney cancer? I have lost left kidney due to a large tumour (10x10x6.5cm approx) op on Aug 26th. I makes sense after you are diagnosed, but you don't realize just how sick you are before that! Back at work and back on the busa now. Just have to look after remaining kidney in some ways.
Anyway, life expectancy is normal now it is out. Follow up CT in Dec will show if any spots anywhere. Would like to have conversation with anyone who has gone through this because getting others information and sharing mine can be beneficial as not all information provided from the medical community is consistent or all encompassing.
Cheers, Justin.
Hi Justin,
I can't speak about what you have just gone through but I am glad to hear that you are up, about and Busaing again!

Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes

All I can say is to get regular checks ,blood tests every year, you never know if you don't get tested.
Can relate..
The C word can scare the shit out of you, especially when it's also malignant.
Got Bladder Cancer at 36. (I'm 56 now) Have had 2 ops since. Recurred again only 2 yrs ago.

Respect your body as much as you can with diet, exercise etc.
Look after your mind trying to stay positive, find a passion.
Read as much as you can on the subject as well as natural therapies.

The rest is in the lap of the gods.
Go on with life...and remember we are ALL going to way or another.
Best of luck my friend.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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Do what the doctors order. Have the regular tests. The longer life goes on without finding anything the better things will be long term is the rule of thumb. If they offer a PET scan have it!
Scary Hi Justin.

Won.t tell my age,but getting on.
Had two heart attacks in earlier times.
Went to hosp in 09 with chest pains -Had all sorts of tests.
Dr next morning said heart O.K but found cancer in right kidney -said if it spread would be dead in 90 days.
Had to have opp. but to see if heart O.K needed an Angiogram - Result found four blocked arteries, so needed bypass surgery.
Anyhow had this in St Vincents in Sept 09 - Then kidney op Nov.09.
Have scans and blood tests every six months - So far Dr says one kidney functioning reasonable.
Have full body checks to see cancer has not recured or spread.
Six years on still kicking and don.t worry much about it.


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