Anyone know these 3 bikes?
Im looking for a dirt cheap bike, scratched, dropped, doesnt matter as long as it isnt a write off.
Spotted these three, they are probably more than what I want to spend on a base, but they are road rideable. Does anyone know anything about them?
Heya #CAS#,

I think that second one (red/black '99) might be crumpy's, he is a member here. Pi_thumbsup

Yeah, the second one looks like Crumpys(I think it was Busgo's originally and it's in Crumpys neck of the woods Bathurst), and I'm sure I've seen those pics of the 3rd one on the forum somewhere, but can't recall who the owner is.
I can take the first one for a test ride if you want. Its near my work.


Stephen V
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Thanks guys,
All good Vella, thanks for the offer though.
Like I said, they are more than I want to spend, Im not really looking for a road going bike, Im not looking to build a streeter this time around so the cheaper the better (and road going seems to add a bit to the price lol)
I think I will be hitting up the wreckers and auctions for a damaged bike.
(19-06-2012, 01:23pm)#CAS# Wrote: Thanks guys,
All good Vella, thanks for the offer though.
Like I said, they are more than I want to spend, Im not really looking for a road going bike, Im not looking to build a streeter this time around so the cheaper the better (and road going seems to add a bit to the price lol)
I think I will be hitting up the wreckers and auctions for a damaged bike.

No worries mate. Hope you find what your looking for. If I had some spare cash, I'd be after something suitable but cheap for a tracky.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
the 01 seemed like a good buy to me.
"If you're going through hell, keep going"

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