E-tag call on motorbikes to cut speed - Vic Police
(20-02-2012, 05:23am)1300hayabusa Wrote: What fcuks me off is the fact that when they do these so called reports and cast a bad name on bikers they always fail to mention
1:how many more bikes have been registered /on the road since last survey to have a clear unbiased statistic
2:how many of these accidents involved high heeled scooter riders going to work with one hand on the handle bar while the other juggling their latte....lets not forget the mid life crisis section or super boomers who go out and buy a fused rocket for a bike just cause they think that they still can ride from way back in the 80's.
People need to wake up and be heard,couch bitching will never get anywhere apart from the doctor with high cholesterol!!!!

Unfortunately, inattention (and therefore carelessness) by car drivers cause a lot of accidents. It's just that those which involve bikes are usually very serious or fatal. The Education of car drivers is extremely lacking. Start THERE I'd say, if you want to improve safety. However a Police State is a Police State whether it's in Russia or Victoria. The boys with the guns(radar/bullets) call the shots and when it relates to Traffic Fines, it's like taking candy from children. It's one EASY way to make a LOT of MONEY, legally! Why would any politician give that up?
I fully agree with you in regards to the lack of knowledge on Aus roads,the latest fcuk up was the idea of P platers having to have spent a certain amount of hours driving with a fully licensed individual to gain(in the authorities feeble mind) more experience and guiding.....WTF is with that???Parents,to mention an example of who usually end up as the "tutors" while the snot nose little bastard is driving and who have held a licence for over 30 years have picked up all sorts,passing on bad behaviour and stupidity ....the blind leading the blind is what comes to mind.We should look at other countries who have a good track record on thier roads and how to obtain the same results and keep them.In Germany it will cost you around $3000-$4000 to get your driving license as you are taught how to drive not pass your bloody test like what happens here on a major scale.I have a friend who's an instructor and what he sees on the road horrifies him.
EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION is whats needed if they want to reduce people dying on our roads BUT that without decent road infrastructure is just like ploughing in water or having an ashtray on a motorbike...POINTLESS!!!!
Sadly, in Victoria, I have been fined ($150) for going over the 80kph limit by 1kph!!! That is, on a rural, no-car-in-sight road way out past Laverton towards Geelong. WHY? Because they (the State and therefore the Officers of the State) are officially sanctioned to MAKE TAX FREE MONEY as much of it as possible. Why are they not trying anywhere as hard to catch the Crimminals in their own ranks, peddling Heroin and other drugs and what has 1kph over 80 on a straight road in the middle of nowhere got to do with "SAFETY?"?
The time has come to my mind, that driving or riding can no longer be fun and if not already, they are thinking of making riders pay through their noses. Biking is supposed to be a cheap way of transport that is also fun.
THAT, is no longer the case. We are easy pickings and cops have a great time making themselves feel important by doing so.
Kieran (Nanna) Walshe has retired................(and so say all of us).

E tags ? Who's going to calibrate & certify those ?

Technically unworkable....bureaucratic nightmare.......

The coppers have all the laws in the world to work with, all they have to do is enforce them....
Never ride the A model of anything.
Another retard idea from a non rider.
"and when I gun the engine I want people to think that the world is coming to an end"
I can honestly say that of all my moments, 3 were all my fault and of course all involved speed. All the others were by dumb people who do not check their mirrors, cut through round abouts, run giveway and stop signs.

I ride like an idiot because I choose too, but I also slow at most intersections because I also choose not to t-bone some idiot in a car that can drive with his/her head up arse in a tin can. A friend of mine was t-boned (in a car luckily), the driver went through a speed and red light camera to hit him!

Like most riders, I consider myself invisable to the average car driver and hope that most camera's are the same. I wear really good quality gear 98% of the time and this is reflected in the fact I have been let off by 3 police officers (after checking license, rego and gear).

If you want to ride a bike properly, I reccomend moving out of VIC to NSW or ACT.


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