Toolkit worth 0.14 sec!! Quit 6th December
What can I say? I've seem more bullshit in this forumn on how to make the Busa go faster and a relative newbie, ALCATRAZ, who is henceforth known as "Lightweight" proves everyone wrong. You'll see from other threads the man has become fixated on busting 11sec, but nothing seemed to work. Tonight he ran a 11.023 (I think). How hard is it to knock off 0.023? Bloody hard as it happens and he managed a 11.0000000000. Just joking. I suggested he ditch the toolkit, and he did. 10.86!!! Next week, he's promising more lightening tricks including a full body paint of helmet and leathers. Onya Lightweight!
John on the other copper is on a good behaviour bond pending his full licence so is trying hard not to bust 10.000 again. I tried to get him going and in the process did my PB at 10.016. Couldn't bust the 10s though. Happy all the same to get another 140mph run. Never got under 1.8 though for 60'. The lime green kwaka (ssshhhh), ridden by "Jockey" McDonald just kept plugging away under 10 most of the night. 9.7 was his best I think. Contrary to most sports he's been ordered on to steroids to get his weight up to something normal (61kg!!!). Kiwi Jim turned up, and got his Busa well into the 10.5 (I think). All up a good night and lots of runs. I managed to get in 9 runs in 3hrs as we had an odd number of bikes and as luck would have it, I got two double runs.
More next week! <i></i>
Well done with the new PB Bear! Well done Alcatraz!

Sometimes I race with no undies, socks or shirt on under my leathers, but it doesn't seem to help my times...

I'll leave the tool kit at home and let you know how I go!
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Doesn't seem to help with the Ladies either does it Pan? <i></i>
Maybe there's something in the body painting???
Interesting when we calculated Lightweight's (aka Alcatraz's) weight, added it to the Busa and compared it to Jockey on his ZX12, it works out equivalent to Jockey running with an 80Kg pillion! Allow a bit of licence with bike weights and fuel etc, it's still huge.
I worked out that my missing a 10s was all of 1.01 m at the end of the strip. Can't be that hard eh?
Simmo, why are you resting on the track? I must admit, until I lowered the bike (I'm severely vertically challenged) I didn't want to try burn outs because of that sort of thing.
Oh and Shinkos?????? I'll be lucky to get 500km out of mine. <i></i>
Had a great night last night. Ended up with three runs under 11 sec,s one 11 flat and two more 5 100 th's over.
The tool kit certainly helped, as did removing my belt, halving the length of my shoe laces and squeezing some blackheads before I rode. Those few extra grams got me across the line.
As Bear points out I am indeed going to go the bodypaint next time, will clip both my toe and finger nails, shave my head and wax the body. Have considered amputation of one leg but will need an assistant to hold the bike upright for takeoff from the start line. I am sure there are a few more winning weight reduction ideas out there.... <i></i>
well done bear. almost there.

i hope to be at the track on the next fast friday. i'll have to give u a buzz to get your secrets on the 140mph runs.

ian <i></i>
mine weighed 322.5kg rider and bike with full tank.When i get the 60ft down i,ll try half tank then less.Thats 8.5kg for full leathers,boots,gloves and helmet. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
I've cracked 140 twice now (by a bees dick, which incidently is quite large compared to the bees size, and probably mine too).
Secret of Thursday night was an attempt to take advantage of John's dilema. He's did under 10 last week so got frog marched to the scruteneers and told to get a licence. While that's being done, he is due for a severe slapping if he runs under 10 sec. It just so happened I got one run against him on Wed night so being the caring soul I am, I thought I'd really try for a jump at the lights and tempt him into beating me and run under the 10. It almost worked, but not as planned. Got the jump but I was the one who nearly got slapped. John must have left the hand brake on and ran a 10.2 or something. My last run was against Jockey MacDonald on the Slime Kwaka. So, same plan, except he's got the full licence. Still, if I can get a jump, he just might stuff up and in any case, I might shave another 0.016 off. Plan went to shit again. Got the jump (pleased with that, because Jockey is very consistent). Just as I surged ahead, my enthusiasm over-rode my head and right hand. Way too quick to WOT and I ended up gazing at the night sky while the slime missile ran away for a win. When it came back to earth I was down 10m or so and struggling! Probably the last person to offer advice as the plans seem to go wrong most times!!!!
Oh, and while Lightweight is boasting a full body wax and paint job, he fails to mention he's not back at the track till next year. Some bullshit about working instead. I say this so we don't get a huge field down there next Wed all anxious to view the spectacle. Some with Jockey, he's out too I think, but turning up on Friday, as I will.
Hoping Blackzook might also make a last appearance before he heads off. When he returns, the bike should be perhaps the fastest in the state (till we evict him later in the year!). Powered by laughing gas!
Quote:the bike should be perhaps the fastest in the state

I very much doubt that. Also there is a huge difference between having a fast bike and being able to ride it quickly. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Quote:suggested he ditch the toolkit, and he did. 10.86!!!
NOW how can u say it was the tool kit, i would like to know
if the tool kit was a stainless or alloy kit and how it was forged and also was it a full tool kit. And were does your data come from re the weight etc.etc. Just a few questions i would like to know the answeres to Cheers,
@ Ray.

That my friend is the funniest thing I have read in a long time

Cheers Dee <i></i>

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