Quit 15th November
pretty good night tonight. 4 new hayabusas turned up. Well, new to me but they are all in their first few meetings. It's theoretically possible to get at least dozen Busas if they all turn up at once.
Fast time again to the lime green Kwaka 1200. I think one run under 10. My efforts were pretty satisfying considering. Started with a 10.3, then swapped lanes and got a bit of wheel spin, 10.5. Back to the RH lane and 10.2. last run was LH lane and I think the rear wheel was still spinning half way down. 10.8!!
So what's the go? I ran 26 psi in the Shinko up until the last run when I dropped it again to around 24psi. That was on advise from a regular. Basicxally it was slipping a bit in first but seemed to get worse once I nailed 2nd! Hard to tell with your eyes shut. So what's the go? spin = drop pressure or, spin = raise pressure? <i></i>
Bear..was good to meet you tonight. As we spoke about my times were not the best for the first time out..Actually quite embarrassing but it was a good night..Best time was 11.399, very slow on the 60ft (2.4) need to launch harder and not use clutch for gear changes.
Will see you again at the motorplex....
Alcatraz <i></i>
Great to catch up and I wouldn't be embarrassed about the times at all. Most people I know started in the 11s, and it takes a while to get the launch off and away. I enjoyed the night, even though it was a bit slow with all the pareticipants at times, and I didn't pb!! Close, but not good enough!
I counted 34 bikes! Including the prize weapon, the 1500 Supercharged Valkarie. Lots of torque, not enough power. I think he said it had 120 at the back wheel, but didn't know the torque. 120ggs will never get it there quick, but the tyre spinning ability must be great, not to mention the pose value! Camera next time. <i></i>
Hi Alcatraz, I had my first go at the Drags last weekend and in my first run I did a 12.5 and got flogged by a GIRL on a CBR600! So embarassing, but I know you won't tell anyone

As Bear says, it's all in the launch. I'm finding it hard to not progressively wind on the throttle as we do on the road instead of just nailing it wide open from the word go. The Busas are capable of doing low 10's stock and it's just a bit of practice until we can do at least mid 10's consistently.

How every true.
It's taken me the best part of a season to first of all get under 11s. Then to get down to 10.5. Now I am a bit pissed off if i can't do a 10.5 and I'm getting a few runs down into 10.2, but the difference is all really in aggression. Zackery as you say, flog the barstard! Lowering certainly is the biggest change and maybe that doesn't help the actual bike, but it tends to eliminate big wheelies and that, particularly for old farts, is a bonus. More likely to spin than point to the sky. <i></i>
Bear definately lets some air out!

Sounds like the track has heaps of rubber in the first 60ft allowing traction then runs out letting you spin.

24PSI is a good starting point, keep on dropping a couple till the bike stops spinning. Shinkos can go as low as 10PSI but I would watch it to make sure it doesnt start spinning on the rim. Also with too low a pressure you are wasting MPH even just slighlty.

Alcatraz a lot of riders start in the 11's or worse, just depends on how confident and how aggressive you are.

Its been said here and else where, plenty of practice is the key. Another factor is size, if you are a big bloke it wont come as easy to you.

Something to read.

Beginners Guide to Drag Racing a Motorcycle.

Thanks for that Shane..I sent you an email to your business address today also...
Alcatraz <i></i>
Sorry mate I was still working through the reply, more in it than I thought, LOL

You should have it now.



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