Drags, drags , drags
It just seems to be catching...not long ago this section was filled with "track days" and who's coming along etc

How things change <i></i>
Well drags are fun & done at nite so you done have to take a day off & fairly low risk so what's not to enjoy.

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>
I think the track days frighten a few riders.. Cheers,
Both are good, drags can be done after work and it is where the relevant competition is at the moment.Drags are crap in winter but good in summer,as long as you get a few runs for your money.Track days are much better value for time on track but no one wants to bring their busa out for a fang so it gets a bit lonely carving up litre bikes with would be if they could be riders.Track days are very good for bike confidence though and allow you to find parameters to ride within in differeing conditions.Try a wet track day one day. <i></i>
I'd give track days a go, only problem is ground clearance on the left side.
@ Dave!
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Just use a grinder Dave. Cheers,

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