hayabusa transport companys
Hi moving back to perth looking to see if any1 can recomend a good tpt company, last time i used toll they snapped both my wing mirrors off my stato

cheers Dave
Maybe PM Bill Gaheer...he's recently come across from Perth (recently might not be the right word...I'm sure it was in the last 12 months)...he may be able to recommend someone (or tell you who to give a wide berth)
cheers amigo ill hit him up
Hi Guys
I have done both Sydney to Perth and back.
Both the time bikes reached safely and were picked up and droped off door to door.
I used at both occasion's http://www.wridgways.com.au

I will recommend a call to them, I know someone in their Perth office.
And please hagle on price - PM me if you think they are over charging or are not matching price
PS. Perth mob is very nice, I miss Perth :( and I also want to be in Sydney :(
I'll do it for fuel money LOL
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
yer im not real happy goin back to perth but i need more work, dave01 yer no dramas i wanna see you cannon ball run it in 24hours but
I've had no dramas using Bikesonly. As I am in the Military, moving interstate becomes part of the norm and after two interstate moves, QLD-NT-NSW and back to NT at the end of this year, I am more than happy to use them again.

I beleive the quotes and bookings are all done online.


only a rider knows why a dog sticks his head out the car window...
Must be opportunity in the East why go West if not happy.
cam did you just get the money off toll then select your own company for transport im discharging this is my final removal, yer landmine i wanna go back to the mines not to many fly in/out from sydney so back to perth i go, sydneys is a bit too camera/police heavy and i hate greenslips so its not all bad

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