Speedo healer
Who uses a speedo healer? There are heaps of them on ebay. I was just wondering what brands to stay away from. Thanks <i></i>
I have a speedo healer, they are good if you keep swaping sprockets around its a bit hard to remember how to change the setting but they have a on line calculator,
Happy with mine as my gps is hard to read when riding if looking for my speed on it
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
so its just as easy as plugging it in then running the online calculator to work where its meant to be set? <i></i>
Another option: I have the Yellowbox www.blackrobotics.com/yb_hist.htm
Aussie made product but does not have the max speed recall function of the healer.
When you say plug in, it did not come with plugs, so I neeed to solder it inline with the speedo signal wire.
You can check/set it on a dyno, use calculator or GPS or police laser/radar.
sweet. i have ordered the speedohealer v3 allready. I will take it down to my mechanic and get him to throw it on the dyno for a speed vs actual speed comparison. then with the online calculator it should be easy..

thanks guys. <i></i>
The dyno will get you close but since the bike will probably be strapped down, the back tire most likely won't assume normal ride profile. Thats what I found when I checked it against the GPS and found it to be a tiny fraction off at 60km/h, bugger all really but it will be a tad off. <i></i>
it has to be better than stock.... <i></i>

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