rode today
been ages since i rode the bike, been messing up my screen and pegs with enamel paint.

Hit the black spur today, reasonably empty too.

Massive wind and heaps of tree debris but still had a wicked ride.

Does anyone else just coast/freewheel down that tight mountain road (heidelberg kinglake road) after kinglake? The one that's 60Kph all the way?

Kinda nice to relax, let gravity do it's job :)
Yeah it can be pretty tight getting the bike around those corners coming down from Kinglake, all the whilst dodging the cars who are washing out around corners with understeer!
Its all worth it at the bottom though, the St Andrews pub is a great place for a feed, bit of live music and a beer especially around the massive open fireplace in winter.
Fireplace sounds nice, lemme know if you're going that way I love hitting the spurs.
i normally get to healesville via the backroads out my way, woodend, broadford, flowerdale then onto kinglake, then along toolangi into healesville
100000kms in 23 months, not too bad

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