New Sprockets!!
If the busa had more low end grunt i,d make the gearing taller.After the vfr I,m sick of changing gears every 3 seconds.I,m not going back there.Bottom end torque and long gearing dodge viper style on two wheels for me. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
It's funny that you say that a 39 will fix the speed error as I have tested my speedo against a few new cars and it seems to be averaged at 8klmh faster than the actual speed. ie:I do 108 to be traveling at 100. But when Mr clocked me with his new state of the art calibrated (no I have not dropped my radar today) Gun at 114 from 150meters away, when my speedo read 110 he would not even drop it to 113 to change it from 3points to 1 point . It would not have made a difference anyway as I was on 1point with 5weeks left to regain my 12 points.

And it does not make a difference to hold out from paying it as they back date the fine to the date you recieved it so now I can spend 6mths polishing it and my bike. Thanks QLD police ( Go The Storm )

At least it gives me a chance to drink all my home brew and become alcho .

Well I needed to vent

Fords <i>Edited by: Fords01 at: 29/9/06 10:04 pm
If you do mostly highway miles then either stick with stock (17/40) or even better try 17/39 it will fix your inbuilt speedo error and be a dream on the open road.

By the way I run 16/42 and it buzzes like a bee on the highway but makes up for it in other conditions Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Sorry to hear that mate. It sux when you are off the road for any reason. I can only assume that you have been victimised by the police as you seem such a pillar of the community and would never exceed the speed limit.

Most speedos read a little high so my comment on the 39t stands. The best way to check is either a friendly copper with a hair dryer or GPS.

Once actual is determined then speedo healer or yellow box will correct for gearing changes. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
A family friend who is in the feds told us all the human coppers are leaving in droves(80 a month i think).The orders from above call for no compassion or descretion just book every c*** for anything and everthing.So the fresh out of schoolers with no life experience are leading the charge,riding high on their power trip.I,ve got 2 months to go and i,m arming myself against this attack on drivers/riders. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Its the same in the Defence force, push, push push until there is nobody left to push, until a wheel falls off . then everbody gets the f*** out.

As for the speed thing I will always travel at 10 to 20 over the limit as its the only reason I am still alive.

Fords <i></i>

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