Posts in Engrish
I've just been having a clean up out the back of the board and I've just removed quite a few of our international guests. Remember we had that real rush of them for a while? They would post one spectacular reply in perfect Engrish, talking about architecture or how much we should all support each other and then the second one would have a link to a t-shirt or insurance company.

I've just re-read the lot and they are GREAT!

I miss them.
Stay on guard, Heidi.....ClapPi_thumbsupClap

I can hear them coming back again Pi_freak !!!!

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Always find this amusing
me too its a ripper, and I plan to roll that out on Bazman next time he be drinkinPi_freakLol2Lol2

Someone asked me the other day what the go was with Bazman...............pissed myself laughing said GREAT bloke & testimony to years of therapy can still fail to have a resultLol2

Why.......... cause the world needs more BazmansSmittenSmitten
That it does, I LURVE the Bazman! Smitten Smitten Smitten

I've just realised this post in is the wrong thread. My bad. Someone better tell an admin!

(14-01-2010, 09:36pm)1ArmedBandit Wrote: me too its a ripper, and I plan to roll that out on Bazman next time he be drinkinPi_freakLol2Lol2

Someone asked me the other day what the go was with Bazman...............pissed myself laughing said GREAT bloke & testimony to years of therapy can still fail to have a resultLol2

Why.......... cause the world needs more BazmansSmittenSmitten
oh oh oh.....................whats his name again???????Lol2
(14-01-2010, 09:40pm)1ArmedBandit Wrote: oh oh oh.....................whats his name again???????Lol2

the admin that is............................but if we turn it into a we loooooooooooove Bazman thread then all will be forgiven cause Bazman could, should and would be loved anywhereLol2

even if he does finish his spectacular wheelies like Susan Boyle having a breakdown. (been off road lately Baz??)

ya too kind, Jenn....
right back atcha m8 !!!

I'm fitting MX tyres....
right now as we speak (type)!!!
(14-01-2010, 09:40pm)1ArmedBandit Wrote: oh oh oh.....................whats his name again???????Lol2
(14-01-2010, 09:40pm)1ArmedBandit Wrote: oh oh oh.....................whats his name again???????Lol2

the admin that is............................but if we turn it into a we loooooooooooove Bazman thread then all will be forgiven cause Bazman could, should and would be loved anywhereLol2

even if he does finish his spectacular wheelies like Susan Boyle having a breakdown. (been off road lately Baz??)

We all need someone to center our pity on & think how boring life would be without the like's of Baz man. I don't have a dog to kick .Your a very funny man baz.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
should have posted them here.
Top 50 Best Thread quotes....actually.....
I nearly did, but by the time I realised that would be a good thing, I was nearly done. If I get bored over the weekend I'll do it, some of them were GOLD.

I'm prepared to put up a PRIZE for your thread.

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