W.A Rego Stickers To Become Extinct!
Hey Guys read today in a W.A local paper that the Transport Dept will not issue Rego stickers in the next few months as the cops have some computer with super powers where they will record your number plate via camera I expect and quicker than you can say "Was that a multi nova I went past " they will know if your vehicle is registerd and to who and for how long etc etc
This may be old news to some but its the first I have heard! I believe they call it number plate recognition technology!!!Clap

.....time to break out the fake number plates !?! Pi_tongue

(04-01-2010, 08:27pm)horone1 Wrote: Hey Guys read today in a W.A local paper that the Transport Dept will not issue Rego stickers in the next few months as the cops have some computer with super powers where they will record your number plate via camera I expect and quicker than you can say "Was that a multi nova I went past " they will know if your vehicle is registerd and to who and for how long etc etc
This may be old news to some but its the first I have heard! I believe they call it number plate recognition technology!!!Clap

We've had them in Canberra for a few years. They do a fantastic job, as long as you're registered and licenced. If youy're not either of the above then you need to be taken off the road. You will have no third party insurance if you prang someone and no comprehensive so no insurance at all. The local plod run them every so often here and grab heaps of unregistered, disqualified, suspended, unlicenced etc every time. These are the people whom, if you have a prange with them, leave you with no cover which invariable means up shit creek.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
The Police in NSW have been trialling the "number plate" camera for a few months now...it can read & identify 30 number plates in 60 seconds (apparantly...could be spin though). Law abiding citizens such as ourselves shouldn't have to worry about anything. CoolsmileyScary
They've had that camera in Perth for a few years now. Called "Argus". It's used on large operations because they need a lot of cars to stop all the vehicles as they drive past and record a issue. I think they only have one of them.

Rego stickers are more about saving money producing them and posting them out. Most cop cars have an onboard computer that tells them if the car's registered as soon as they run it up, so you don't really need the sticker any more.
Its a shame they're not going to issue them anymore. They come in handy on occasions Coolsmiley .
Suppose we could just keep the old ones on Pi_tongue
....And it's about time, too !!

.....I couldn't count how many times that silly little rego sticker would somehow vibrate loose and strangely always turn in & up at least 90 degrees (muz be da wind pushing it up, orificer?!?).

Hmmm.....I wonder if these will look "cool" hangin' down low off da back of my grab-rail ?!? (strictly for ornamental purposes, of course)

[Image: imagesCAS24AF1.jpg]
(05-01-2010, 06:22pm)duc13 Wrote: Its a shame they're not going to issue them anymore. They come in handy on occasions Coolsmiley .
Suppose we could just keep the old ones on Pi_tongue
Yeah, mine always used to fall in a funny spot as well. Personalised plates put an end to the effectiveness of that though.
I'm ready!

[Image: Fredsflipupnumberplate.jpg]

Think i might have to get me one of those !

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