FA18 Flying over Aussie Grand Prix
Yes FA18 Jets are Fatman

The best part of the free entertainment over the weekend of F1 Race at Albert Park.

2fast4u FA18.

The annoying camera man Knuppel2

I look forward to seeing them every year.

Roulettes are great to watch.
Didn't have the phone camera switched to video, but got a couple of goods shots
RAAf Roulettes
never fly higher than your angel.
lordy got sea sick watching the vid!!!!!.. tff

oi mutha just have tea at busgos house and you hear the jets till about 10.30...

makes mental note buy mutha a toy kit for xmas so she can assemble her own plane and paint it....
I still prefer an f1-11 dump and burn over indy.

Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
I've had 2 back seat rides in FA/18, great fun, something I will never forget.
Even living with FA18s half your life doesn't diminish the thrill when they come by at speed.
I must say that the Hawk trainers have a sound that makes you take notice when they come in fast as well.

I'll never get sick of fast jets.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
thats why you have a fast bike!!!

the speed and thrill
I've had 2 back seat rides in FA/18, great fun, something I will never forget.

FA, must stand for F#ckin Awesome!!!
never fly higher than your angel.

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