Have I killed my ECU
BigPi_thumbsup to Chook Chasers blind faithLol3 I have tried out my harness on his bike and it dont work. This is a kind of a relief as now I know that something as gone a-wry with my attempt at a rewire even though I was sure nothing had changed from before and after I did the spacer but there you go.

So now the hunt is on to find the offending wire(s) and with this I have a new plan to move the atmosphere and vacuum solenoids to the front of the bike with the ECU. (I figure I cant break it anymore than it already is.) I will also dump the tip sensor and replace it with a 62K Ohm resistor.

Thanks again to everyone for their advice and particularly Chook Chaser who brought his bike to me last weekend for some testing and then let me tear apart his bike today so I could test my harness on his machine. The look on his face when I walked in with my harnss over my shoulder and told him my plan today was priceless.

Thanks also to Maj for the loan of his dash to extract error codes. Sending it back Monday Greg.

I will keep you posted on the progress of the hunt for the wiring fault.
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Found a problem today that might be my issue. I noticed that my nuetral light wasnt working I had noticed this previously but didnt pay it much attention. I traced it to the flasher/sidestand relay. blue wire goes in and the earth is good from the GPS. Blue wire with black trace comes out of relay to nuetral light and the earth is gone. From what I have read in the manual, this will lock out the ignition. I did check that the coils have power but I am not sure if this will still have a negative effect somehow on the ECU. It didnt seem to be stopping the sidestand lockout from switching the relay.
I tested the relay previouslt by simply raising and lowering it with the key on and hearing it click.

I think I will still be chasing up another harness anyway and turn the original into a long term project.
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Well holyshit it livesParty-smiley-018 Party-smiley-018

After buying another harness Doh! I was kicking back cleaning up a drawing I did of the ECU pinouts and comparing it to one of Petriks pinout drawings trying to decypher his acronyms and there it was staring me in the face.

The tan wire and the brown wire (cam sensor and atmos sensor)Embarassed ass about. Also had the Tip sensor wire one place out. Embarassed

I always knew it would come down to something like this but I am just glad I found it in the end. I dont like to be beaten by that stuff.

Anyhoo thanks again to all who offered advice and bits off their bikes to help me sort it particularly Chook Chaser and Maj.Clap

So now its moving forward to finish off the plumbing and get this sucker boosted and on the track.Yes
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Tan and brown wire arse about? Easy to do I suppose, bugger to diagnose!

Well done.


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