Another one bites the dust
As far as statistics are concerned you are right RAZ.
However, every one of those five is one too many regardless of how many extra riders are out there.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
DAD Wrote:Looks like the cops have lost there sence of humour!

None of 'em have a sense of humour they're all braindead pricks
It's a week by week charade.
kawasuki Wrote:maybe if they were more visable on the roads and gave u a flash less would be killed as it does slow u and u do think about your speed after a flash from the copper.

Absolutely right Kawa. But it ain't gonna happen any time soon. It actually has nothing to do with no. of riders killed and everything to do with revenue (income) against wages paid (expenditure ). Much higher return on the unmarked, inspite of the fact that they spend 90% of the time operating outside their own guidelines. Just a pack of simple bastards who will never make a difference.
It's a week by week charade.

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