luv my bike!!
Yes I know I'm speaking to the converted here but.

I Luv my new bike!!!!

I've had it about 6 weeks now (2006 busa) and finally got to go for a nice ride on it reefton & black spurs. Yes

I commute on it every day, but its not quite the same...

But what a great bike. S^&t tyres though!!! (OE brigies) Will be changing them when they wear out.

Reefton was cold & wet, with the tyres providing stuff all grip & no confidence, walking around on the road surface & over the soggy bark on the road. Not much fun.

But the black spur was fine, sunny & dry. And the busa great fun! So easy to steer. It's suprisingly flickable and dropped into the corners nicely. Had so much fun I had to turn around & go up & down the black spur again. Roll

Woo hoo! This bike is definitly a keeper!
We really need to start an Hayabusa Anonymous Self help group. It seems to happen to most of us!

Welcome to the addiction monster-man!
Keeper? Ive never kept a bike longer then a couple of years, but no so the busa, coming on to 9 years of ownership, nothing to sell for. A definate keeper.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
I love my BUSA (Big Love) than you lot love yours Pi_tongue
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
I luv mine soooooo much, I bought it twice beat that.Fatman and its as good the second time round if not a little bit better.Yes
Ahh Crumpy - the old 99 was a dream machine mate.

Here is a short story that I wrote while I still had her.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Well if you talk to my wife she reckons that I'm Smitten over my Bike and that is the only thing that comes 1st in our house hold and she reckons that family are probably 3rd on the list ( 1 Bike 2 Ride the Bike 3 Family ). I told her hogwash she doesn't no what she's talking about and then it started with all the examples.

Well I said that there's a reason for that if that is what she believes and asked her one simple question and that was sex or ride well what can I say because she told me to bugger off and go for a ride. Lol3
BUSGO Wrote:Ahh Crumpy - the old 99 was a dream machine mate.

Here is a short story that I wrote while I still had her.

Ray I know exactely what you where thinking of at the time of conduring up that story.Its still the same on the old girl every time I push the go button. another adventure ahead to look forward to no matter how long or short the ride will be.
On average I replace my bike every 2 years and sometimes they dont make it to a year when I update to the latest greatest litre bike (owned them all) but this K8 Busa has blown me away and its teh first bike I said to the missus (much to her delight) recently that I think I will keep this for a few years cos I love it so much. I really thought I was making a mistake going from a ZX10 to teh Busa but wanted a change and thought it wouldnt last 6months but man its 9 months now and I still am completly into it and havnt even thought about another bike (very unusal for me!) I am constantly amazed by teh ability of this bike and just enjoy the ride - perhaps I am getting old hmmm. Its not the power - in afct the 10 I rekon beats it but the torque is amazing and teh top end is cool and I just love the ride in general.
Egos; everyone got one

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