Helmet Speakers
Anyone fitted speakers to their helmet ? Did you have to cut away lining etc around the ear position or did you slip em in behind the liner. Waiting on some arriving but not too sure yet how they gonna fit
Thought they were a great idea until a mate got killed - I personally think they take your mind of your riding, and worse another mate heard his last moments
Egos; everyone got one
busakid08 Wrote:Thought they were a great idea until a mate got killed - I personally think they take your mind of your riding, and worse another mate heard his last moments

i got some, but removed them after two rides, the sound is not loud enough to hear anything because of wind /engine noise. riding with an MP3 is a very distracting
I'll ride in a straight line with them, say Canberra to Sydney down the Hume, but the minute I hit a corner I turn it off. I'm amazed how much brain space it sucks up.

Sorry about your mate Busakid.
They're actually gonna go in my hangliding helmet. I've tried ipod earphones etc and they're friggin uncomfortable, so I ordered some helmet spkrs from USA, an amp from UK and already got the ipod. I use it on my bike occasionally if I'm having to use highway or run of the mill roads. I find it keeps me from going into auto pilot. Wouldn't care to use them for any sort or twistie type riding tho. Havin said that they're so uncomfortable under a helmet its very rare I use them anyway.

So has anyone tried fitting them ??
Blackzook has some in his new helmet i believe. busdriver helped fitting also so he may know

You still planin your trip Dan ? If you are I should hurry up cos I read today that UK is going to be the most populated in country in Europe in a few years. Already got somethin like 66million there, heading towards 73 I think it was in 10 years time. So get in quick dude while thers still room to stand
Pommie Wrote:Anyone fitted speakers to their helmet ? Did you have to cut away lining etc around the ear position or did you slip em in behind the liner. Waiting on some arriving but not too sure yet how they gonna fit

I have an Autocom. Being able to talk to your passenger is great. You can inject music if you want to. Crossing the Nullabor my son and I talked and listened to talking books. In cities we just used the talk feature. There was no cutting involved in fitting, just a bit of duct tape At high speed we used earplugs (26db) and just turned the unit up. Could still talk to each other at WELL over the state limits. A good bit of kit.

A few years ago I got a set of Zenheiser studio headphones for about $500.00. I pulled the speakers from these and rewired them with a female plug. Mounted the lot to the helmet by pulling the liner and velcroing them in place over the ears. Just removed the foam pad from that area, routed the wires under the rubber edge strip of the helmet and epoxied the female plug to the lower edge at the side of the helmet. These were installed with the full black earpads still in place to seal around my ears - kills 90% of the wind noise and kept in the sound. Fantastic sound quality with deep loud base tho it chews the shit out of the ipod batteries.

My new Nolan has the optional factory full speaker/microphone/intercom thingy in it all fitted by Busdriver. Bout a grand all up.

The sound is nowhere near as good but its bluetooth so no wires.
The speakers I fitted to Blackzooks new helmet were the kit specifically for the Nolan flip-face helmet N-Com or something.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Excellent, fellas. Thanks for the info
Blueant make some good ones too ..... unfortutunatly thats what my friend passed away using. They were good and very clear - great idea for hang gliding !!!
Egos; everyone got one

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