Just wanted to thank Glen @ www.Hayabusa.com.au for his work on a new kit for Suz (2Cute4u).
I reckon its awesome!!
I was going to resize them... but it just wouldn't do them justice.
But here are a few pics & the link where you can find them all as they are really worth the look!
NOTE: They are very hard to get a good pic, mainly because they are covered by their protective plastic. However, it is the same reflective material used as my own kit, so under a flash you see things you don't in normal light, but the effect is the same when car light hit the stickers as well
Main link: http://www.users.on.net/~razz0r/busa/stickers/
So, pic of the full kit with no flash... (There are close ups in the main link)
And this is when light hits the kit!!
oh and this is my fav shot :)