If Leonard says it is so - it is true about the ECU.

Thanks for the update.

AND as Max pointed out, it may be the later models that need the special tool for front wheel removal and not the early ones. I always left that to the workshop cause I don't have a front stand.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I wasn't having a go at you, Ray.(not this time anyway!hehe).

I just thought ??

Special tool, front axle?
Just a big ring spanner does mine.
bear Wrote:Special tool, front axle?
Just a big ring spanner does mine.

The "other's" run about a 24mm hex head internal that is.

See the pictures

The first shows the opening in the front axle end that the "special tool fits into.

[Image: FrontAxleInternalHex.jpg]

The second shot shows the Special Tool I made.
[Image: FrontAxleSpecialTool.jpg]

the third shot shows the Special Tool inserted into the axle Hex head opening
[Image: SpecialToolinserted.jpg]


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Mine can't be a very early one then as I have a hex head bolt (effectively). Mind you, the original looks better!
No Bear, If you go back through the discussion, you will see that I was confused.
The 99/00 had the hex head bolt axle and the later ones had the axle that needs the special tool such as Max has made.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
new forum member here to ressurect your the threads you no longer love...

a question for the learned members;

what is a '99 worth? i'm doing things ass-backwards as usual, but i guess i am wondering if i have done the right thing?

i just bought a red and black... <30000km, 4-1 system and PC2.
A few of us have sold our 99ers recently for around 9 to 10 thousand bucks.

Ranging from about 50,000 to 115,000 klms on them.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO

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